Canada Border Services Agency Symbol of the Government of Canada

Notice to Importers:

As of October 15, 2007, the CBSA will no longer accept paper versions of either the release on minimum documentation (RMD) or the Pre-arrival Review System (PARS) service options. However, there will be certain exceptions to this requirement.

If you are not ready to use EDI by October 15, 2007, you will be required to submit a fully completed “C” or “D” type Form B3 – Canada Customs Coding Form.

Effective December 2006, the CBSA will no longer accept applications for the Frequent Importer Release System (FIRST). By January 31, 2008, the FIRST service option will be phased out and  no longer available.

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Why are these changes happening?

Eliminating paper for release purposes will allow border services officers to move away from data capture to an environment that focuses on safety, security and facilitation of trade. Further, the CBSA’s goal is to move the commercial program forward and ensure clients and stakeholders are better positioned for the third phase of the Advance Commercial Information (ACI) program known as eManifest.

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The EDI alternatives have some limitations and it is not possible to use the electronic method in all situations and locations. As the systems continue to improve and stakeholders and other government departments (OGDs) or agencies move towards using EDI service options, the following exceptions will be updated.

  1. Goods are subject to the requirements of another government department or agency and there is no EDI link between the CBSA and the other government department or agency:
    • Paper must be used in situations where another government department or agency does not have an EDI link with the CBSA. The CBSA is currently working with OGDs and agencies to address the issue of paper permits and certificates.
  2. The invoice for the release transaction contains more than 999 invoice lines:
    • Currently, the Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS) does not permit release requests with more than 999 invoice lines. If your invoice has over 999 lines, we recommend that you note this on the release package in order to avoid any unnecessary rejections from a border services officer.
  3. There is more than one warehouse sub-location code per release transaction:
    • Because only one Release Notification System (RNS) message can be generated for one transaction, a broker can only transmit one warehouse sub-location code per EDI release on minimum documentation (RMD). Therefore, the electronic options cannot be used if, for example, an importer has an invoice for one shipment that has been transported in more than one load and is located in more than one warehouse.
  4. The release transaction is covered by multiple highway cargo control numbers at the border:
    • Currently, ACROSS does not permit release requests with more than one cargo control number (CCN) under the PARS option. Where multiple CCNs are involved, the RMD option must be used. The EDI RMD option is not permitted at highway border points; therefore, the paper RMD option must be used.
  5. The CBSA has issued a paper Y50 form, Reject Control Document, to the importer/broker for courier/low-value shipments (LVS):
    • The CBSA matches the paper Y50 attached to the release package to the Y50 in the CBSA control file. The system remains paper-based.
  6. Goods are moved into a bonded warehouse using the RMD option (grey wrapper):
    • The actual authorization by the CBSA to move goods into a bonded warehouse location remains paper-based.
  7. Goods are to be released from a Queen’s warehouse:
    • The CBSA requires a paper copy of Form E44, Customs Notice – Unclaimed Goods, to accompany the release request from a Queen’s warehouse. This process remains paper-based.
  8. There is a CBSA, importer and/or broker system outage:
    • When a system outage occurs, clients must revert to a paper-based system. The CBSA will determine, on a case-by-case basis, under what circumstances and for how long paper copies will be accepted from a client who is experiencing a system outage.

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What will replace paper service options?


ACROSS allows clients to use EDI to transmit both PARS and RMD service options to the CBSA. This includes goods controlled or regulated by another government department or agency that has established an EDI link with the CBSA. Follow the procedures for becoming an EDI client to learn more.

EDI PARS release requests can be transmitted up to 30 days before the arrival of shipments. In situations where the carrier has not notified the importer or broker before the arrival of shipments, the release request can be transmitted as an EDI PARS with the driver waiting (DW) indicator once the carrier has arrived. At the primary inspection line, the border services officer will issue a Y28, Report to Warehouse, to the driver. Once the importer/broker has transmitted the PARS DW service option, and it has been processed by the CBSA, the importer/broker will receive a processed message from the CBSA. The drivers must then present themselves to the CBSA commercial office with a copy of their cargo report (i.e. cargo control document) and the Y28 to obtain the release decision.


An alternative service option for importers currently using FIRST is the Customs Self Assessment program. Approved importers are entitled to a streamlined clearance process for eligible goods when an approved carrier and driver registered with the Commercial Driver Registration Program are involved.

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What happens if…

You are not able to meet the PARS or RMD deadline?

  1. What if the importer/broker is not ready to use EDI by October 15, 2007, and is unable to transmit information using a PARS or RMD service option?
    • The importer/broker would submit a type “C” Form B3 – Canada Customs Coding Form.
  2. What if the importer/broker cannot prepare a type “C” Form B3 because he or she does not have an appraisal quality invoice?
    • The importer/broker would complete and submit a type “D” Form B3.
  3. What happens if an importer/broker presents a request for release using a paper PARS or RMD on or after October 15, 2007, and the transaction does not fall under one of the exceptions?
    • The border services officer will issue a manual Y50 and the release package will be returned to the importer/broker.

You are not able to meet the FIRST deadline?

  1. What happens if a carrier or importer/broker presents a request for release using FIRST after January 31, 2008?
    • The importer/broker will be required to prepare an EDI transaction.
  2. What happens after January 31, 2008, when at the time of arrival of a FIRST shipment at the border, the driver does not have a completed cargo control document because he or she was expecting release based on the FIRST document?
    • If the carrier has a carrier code, he or she will be required to complete a cargo control document, including a CCN with bar codes. 

      If the carrier does not have a carrier code, he or she will be allowed to complete a pre-numbered cargo control document provided by the CBSA. However, this option may only be used a maximum of five times per calendar year. Carriers should apply for a carrier code using Form E369, Application to Transact Non-Bonded Carrier Operations at Point of Arrival in Canada

      Once the completed application has been received and processed by the CBSA, the carrier will be issued a carrier code and information regarding bar codes/cargo control documents for the PARS and RMD service options.

You use other paper-based service options?

  1. What about other service options such as Form E29B – Temporary Admission Permit, Value Included (VI), Entered to Arrive (ETA), etc.?
    • These paper-based transactions will be accepted until the CBSA provides for an electronic service option.

The service location is not typical?

  1. What about those situations where the broker office is not staffed 24 hours a day for EDI transactions?
    • Unless the transaction falls under the exceptions for paper RMD and PARS, the goods will not be released until one of the acceptable release options is submitted.
  2. What about a CBSA office that operates as an Inland Alternative Service site?
    • Importers who currently fax a “C” type Form B3 to a hub location will continue to be allowed to do so. However, importers faxing PARS or RMD releases will be required to transmit these using the EDI option. Exceptions to EDI apply in these cases as for any EDI scenario.

There are system outages?

  1. What happens in the case of a CBSA and/or importer/broker system outage?
    • A paper RMD will be accepted if clients must revert to paper because of a CBSA outage.

      The CBSA will determine, on a case-by-case basis, under what circumstances and for how long paper will be accepted from a client who is experiencing a system outage.