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Aboriginal Arts Education Projects
Aboriginal Arts Education Projects
January 01, 2006 - January 01, 2006
Program for: Individuals, Organizations

Purpose: Aboriginal Peoples have strong and diverse cultures, languages and traditions that are integral to their sense of identity and contribute to Ontario’s artistic diversity. The OAC will build on its recognition of traditional and contemporary Aboriginal art and artists by continuing to provide opportunities for arts education projects where Aboriginal artists can engage learners in their language, culture and artistic practices.

Eligibility: This program is open to practising Aboriginal artists who wish to work with learners, educators, communities, youth, children, adults and inmates. It is also open to non-arts organizations, arts organizations, non-profits, schools, ad-hoc groups and collectives conducting and coordinating arts education projects with Aboriginal artists and learners.

Aboriginal Arts Education Projects fall into three categories:

1)   Learning the Arts

This category funds projects where artists engage learners of any age in learning traditional and contemporary artistic skills. Activities can include workshops, arts camps, artists teaching in schools, artists teaching outside of schools, and creation and production of new works aimed at young people.

2)   Aboriginal Languages and Arts Education

This category funds art education projects where the primary purpose is passing on Aboriginal languages. This can include creation and production of new works in an Aboriginal language aimed at young people, etc.

3)   Aboriginal Culture and Arts Education

This category funds arts education projects that pass on knowledge and skills of traditional Aboriginal cultures. Activities can include workshops, arts camps, artists teaching in schools, and artists teaching outside of schools. It can also include creation and production of new works aimed at young people.

Eligible Applicants: Aboriginal artists, Elders, ad hoc groups, collectives, not-for-profit organizations, non-arts organizations and schools.

Eligible Learners: Students, artists, communities, inmates, children, youth, adults, etc.

Aboriginal: Métis, Inuit, Status and Non-Status

New Deadlines: February 15 and September 15, 2008.

Program Guidelines and Application Form:

Final Report Form:

For more information, please contact Sara Roque, Acting Aboriginal Arts Officer, 416-969-7454, toll free 1-800-387-0058 extension 7454, sroque@arts.on.ca.  

Services in French are available by contacting Ashleigh Hodgins, Program Assistant, 416-969-7424, toll free 1-800-387-0058 extension 7424, ahodgins@arts.on.ca.

For Results Announcements for this program, please click here.