Welcome to AGCare

AGCare provides science- and research-based information and policy initiatives on pesticide use, crop biotechnology developments, nutrient management and other related environmental issues surrounding field and horticultural crop production in Ontario.

FarmIssues.com Video Farmers Reduce Pesticide Use
Town and Country Feature
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The Real Dirt on Farming Download Report: Evaluation of the Changes in Pesticide Risk

· 12/13/06
Ontario's Endangered Specie...
In August of this year, the Endangered Species Act Revi...

· 12/13/06
Speakers at AGCare / OFAC A...
Farmers in Ontario must be more proactive in working to...

· 11/16/06
Getting out there...
A few weeks ago I was invited to speak to a high school...

· 10/30/06
Agriculture is Embracing Th...
The Environmental Farm Plan (EFP), now in its third edi...

· 10/15/06
Changes made to the Clean W...
The Clean Water Act has been amended and as this update...

Fall 2006 - Vol 16 No 3

- Mark Cullen promotes Environmental Farm Planning practices to gardeners
- Agriculture Embracing Third Edition EFP
- New Pest Control Products Act finally comes into force
- Changes made to the Clean Water Act
- Agriculture responds to (yet another) unbalanced story on biotechnology

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