All types except travel

The 2008-2009 application form will be available a month prior to the first registration deadline.

Travel grant

The 2007-2008 application form is valid until March 31, 2008. Download the application form

in Word  (158 Kb)


in PDF (32 Kb)


Peer evaluation information guide

New Grant program for upcoming artists and writers
Registration deadline: December 14, 2007

(details and application form)

2007-2008 program

General information

Artistic research and creation

Participation in artist-in-residence programs

Studios and studio-apartments


Career grants

Important reminder
Please read the Grant application presentation guide before submitting your application. It contains technical information concerning supporting items and documents. 

Authors of non-fiction works on architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, space planning and environmental design are eligible for literary grants.

N.B.: In the interests of stylistic clarity, the masculine form is used in these documents and is understood to designate women and men.

2007-2008 Program

ral information

Program objectives

  • Foster research and creation by making available to professionals the resources necessary for creating works and carrying out activities related to their artistic development, throughout their careers.

  • Give professionals an opportunity to contribute to the development of their discipline through the exploration of advanced resources and technologies.

  • Facilitate artistic creation that leads to production and dissemination.

Target clienteles
This program is intended for professionals and, in some instances, groups of professionals in the realms of architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning and environmental design.

A group of professional architects, landscape architects, urban planners or environmental designers does not designate a firm but a temporary group of professionals established with a view to carrying out a specific project. Each member of the group must be a professional in one of the fields concerned or a professional artist who satisfies all of the program's eligibility criteria.

One professional in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning or design must represent the group as coordinator.

A professional artist is an artist who is self-taught or formally trained, or both, and is a creator or interpreter in his own right, has a competence recognized byhis peers in his discipline and signs works that are disseminated in a professional context.

The same coordinator must always represent permanent groups unless exceptional circumstances arise.

A group legally constituted as a not-for-profit or profit-making company or general partnership is ineligible for this program.

Types of grants

Type A grants
Type A grants are intended for professionals who have at least 10 years of practice in Québec or abroad and whose works have been presented in a recognized professional context.

A professional with under 10 years of practice may apply for a type A grant when his artistic output warrants it.

Maximum grant: $25 000

Type B grants
Type B grants are intended for professionals with two to 10 years of practice in Québec or abroad and whose works have been presented in a recognized professional context. Exhibitions carried out during the applicant's studies are not accepted for the purposes of this program.

Maximum grant: $20 000

In the case of a collective project, it is the coordinator's profile that determines the type of grant requested. The coordinator must submit an activity report.

Career grants
Career grants are intended for artists whose careers span at least 20 years in the arts and literature and whose works or achievements are outstanding. Three career grants in all disciplines are awarded every two years. The next registration deadline for career grants is October 15, 2006.

Amount of the grant: $ 60 000 spread equally over two years.

A specific document pertaining to career grants, including the registration form, will be available from the Conseil and on its Web site one month before the registration deadline.

General eligibility criteria
To be eligible, a professional submitting a grant application must be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant. In both instances, he must have lived in Québec for at least 12 months.

A professional who has lived outside Québec for two or more years is not eligible for the program unless he maintains his status as a Québec resident pursuant to the Taxation Act, i.e. he maintains ties as a resident with Québec through a dwelling, spouse, dependants or personal property. The professional must supply a proof of his status.

The professional must have a bachelor's degree in architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning or environmental design and at least two years of practice centred on artistic creation. Moreover, he must be recognized by his peers.

If an artist or a professional presents a project in a discipline other than that in which he is normally pursuing his career, he must have to his credit at least one work in this discipline, disseminated in a professional context. The professional or the artist must apply for a type A or type B grant, depending on his total number of years of practice. He must indicate on the application form the discipline in respect of which he is applying for a project grant.

A professional who has already received assistance under the grant program for professional artists may submit a new application provided that he first submits the report on the use to which the grant was put or a progress report if the project has not been completed. Under the research and artistic creation section, the professional may only apply once before the final report has been accepted. The Conseil must approve the report.

A professional may not simultaneously apply for a type A grant and a type B grant.

A professional who has already received a type A grant may not apply for a type B grant.

In the case of type A grants, a professional may not receive more than $50 000 in grants over a four-year period, whether the grants were obtained individually or as part of an artists' group. This amount excludes travel grants and career grants.

As for type B grants, a professional may not receive more than $40 000 in grants over a four-year period, whether the grants were obtained individually or as part of an artists' group. This amount excludes travel grants.

Projects carried out under a school program are ineligible.

Regardless of the discipline, a professional may not submit during a given registration period, either as an individual or as a member of a group, two applications in a given section.

A professional may not receive more than two grants per year, excluding travel grants and the use of studios and studio-apartments.

Projects that have already been completed on the registration date are not eligible.

Submitting applications
A professional wishing to apply for a grant must fill out the appropriate application form and be sure to submit all of the documents demanded.

A Grant Application Presentation Guide is available on request from the Conseil and on its Web site.

Only the original copy of the form, signed by the professional or by each member of the group of professionals, will be deemed valid. Applications may not be sent by fax or by email.

Application forms are available upon request from the Conseil. They may also be downloaded from the pertaining program’s page on the Conseil’s Web site. [See Application forms section at the top of this page.]

Mailing addresses
The mailing address where the applications must be sent varies according to each discipline and is indicated on the application form. [and on the Offices' addresses page]

Contents of the file for applicants eligible for type A and type B grants
A single copy of the application file must be submitted on 21.6 cm x 27.9 cm (8 1/2 inch x 11 inch) paper. To facilitate photocopying, documents must not be stapled or bound.

Letters of recommendation are not submitted to the jury.

The file must include:

  • the professional's curriculum vitae or the curricula vitae of the members of a group of professionals (maximum of three pages per person);

  • the curricula vitae of the main collaborators in the project (maximum of three pages per person);

  • a detailed work plan and the proposed timetable;

  • the detailed budget for the project;

  • a copy of the applicant's university degree (type B grants only);

  • if need be, a clipping file of not more than five pages containing photocopies of newspaper articles published during the previous five years (pages in excess of the stipulated number will be discarded);

  • Attach any of the following: a portfolio, 20 slides, 20 digital images (photo CD) or 20 photographs of works produced.

See the Grant application presentation guide for technical information concerning supporting items and documents.

In the case of travel grant applications, information must be supplied on the host organization and its financial commitment or that of other partners involved in the realization of the project.

Information or supporting documents received after the registration deadline will not be submitted for evaluation.

Only visual material, sound recordings and publications are returned to applicants within 90 days of the announcement of the results.

The Conseil is not responsible for the loss of submitted items or damage sustained by such items during shipping. Applicants are urged to avoid sending the originals of items or supporting material required for a grant application.

The Conseil guarantees the confidentiality of the documents in its possession. Moreover, it will deny access to the confidential documents it receives, subject to the cases stipulated in the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information.

Applicants must promptly notify the Conseil of a change of address.

Processing of applications
The Conseil does not send an acknowledgement of receipt.

Validation of the file
A program coordinator ensures that the professional satisfies the eligibility criteria pertaining to the program and the type of grant requested.

Evaluation by a jury
Before the juries meet, copies of each application are sent to all members for examination. The juries meet and evaluate the items in the file.

Approximately three months after the registration deadline, the Conseil informs the professional in writing of its decision concerning his application.

In the case of travel grants, the Conseil will inform the artist in writing six weeks after he has submitted the application.

When an application is approved, the professional will receive along with the approval letter, a document outlining all the terms and conditions governing the use of the grant.

Evaluation of applications
Grant applications are evaluated by juries formed of persons renowned in one or several of the disciplines concerned and who have a sound knowledge of the artistic work in the sector for which they were chosen. Members of the juries must be on the list of resource persons approved by the Conseil’s board of directors.

Applications for travel grants are not evaluated by juries but may be analysed by one or more resource persons from the artistic community who act as assessors.

A single jury comprising representatives of the regions and various artistic disciplines evaluates applications for type A and type B grants on a province-wide basis.

All applications are evaluated on their merit according to the eligibility criteria, objectives and evaluation criteria specific to each section of the program. The selection takes into account the relative merits of the projects and the funds available. The Conseil’s decision is final and without appeal.

The names of jury members may be obtained upon request three months after the Conseil has announced its decision regarding the awarding of a grant. The names of assessors and of members of an advisory committee asked to evaluate grant applications will be made public three months after the conclusion of their mandate.

Board members are subject to a code of ethics. Moreover, board members, the members of juries and employees of the Conseil must act in good faith in performing their duties and refrain from taking part in any discussion concerning a grant application that risks creating a conflict of interest. Confidential or privileged information transmitted to them may not be used for personal reasons.

Awarding of grants
The Conseil establishes the amount in light of the funds available, the budgets submitted and eligible expenses. The maximum amounts offered under the program may not be increased, even in the case of group project.

The grants are paid in a lump sum, except for grants of $12 000 or more, which may be paid in two instalments over two fiscal years. The professional must indicate his choice in the appropriate box on the grant application form. If no indication is given, the grant will be paid in a lump sum.

The first or full payment of the grant will be made in the month following the announcement and the second payment, as the case may be, will be made in January of the following calendar year.

In the case of a group of professionals, the grant is divided equally among all members of the group unless a proposal signed by all of the members otherwise apportioning their shares is submitted with the application.

In accordance with tax legislation, a professional is bound to declare the amount of the grant he receives. The Conseil issues a tax slip to each grant recipient and to each member of a professionals’ group and submits the list of grant recipients to the ministère du Revenu.

The Conseil may not award a grant in respect of the same expenses related to a project already supported in conjunction with another program of the Conseil or any other organization.

By cashing a grant cheque, the artist or the artists’ group undertakes to carry out the project planned and to comply with the conditions governing the payment of the grant.

When a professional is unable to carry out part or all of the activity covered by the application, or a major change is made to the project or work schedule, he must promptly contact the Conseil to make the appropriate arrangements. Should the professional fail to comply with this condition, the Conseil may demand repayment of the grant.

The grant recipient or the coordinator in the case of an artists’ group undertakes to submit a detailed report on the use of the grant or the results of the research and a summary of expenses incurred, using the Report on the use of the grant form provided by the Conseil. The report must be submitted not more than three months after the project’s completion and must be approved by the Conseil. A professional must submit the report before making a new application.

The outcome of a research project remains the property of the professional, as do any rights he may hold on any work, specification, drawing, document, plan, report, datum, invention, method or process produced in conjunction with the program. However, the Conseil may reproduce certain of these documents for the purpose of internal management.

When the project results in public activities such as performances or exhibitions, or in publications, the Conseil's logo or mention of its contribution must appear in information, promotional or advertising documents in order to inform the public of the use of cultural funding.

Professionals or professionals’ groups obtaining a grant must comply with standards governing the use of the Conseil’s logo, as described in a document available from the Conseil or on its Web site.

Failure to comply with any of the foregoing conditions may jeopardize a professional's eligibility to submit a subsequent application.


Please read the General Information first as it applies to all sections.

Artistic Research and creation

This section is intended to financially support research and the creation of works in the realms of architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning and environmental design.

Eligibility criteria
Professionals and groups of professionals are eligible.

Amount of the grants
Type A grants
Maximum amount: $25 000

Type B grants
Maximum amount: $20 000

Eligible projects

  • Research and creative work in the realms of architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning and environmental design.

  • Projects focusing on research or an examination of the language of the plastic arts and centred on reflection dealing with a conceptual or concrete problem pertaining to planning or the environment.

  • Research projects focusing on the restoration or recycling of existing buildings or the integration of new buildings into existing built environments.

Ineligible projects

  • Projects engendered by a commission;
  • Construction and the execution of permanent facilities;
  • Promotional projects such as the planning and execution of advertising or promotional programs;
  • Distribution projects;
  • Projects focusing solely on restoration;
  • Projects to participate as an exhibitor in a commercial event such as a fair or show;
  • Training and projects devoted to development;
  • Historical studies, journalism, criticism, and pedagogical or educational writing;
  • Projects carried out under a school program;
  • Essays on architecture (these projects are eligible for literary grants).

Evaluation criteria

  • Quality of the artistic work;

  • Interest of the project in relation to the professional's approach and the development of the work;

  • Interest of the project in relation to the discipline;

  • Contribution or influence of the professional in his community;

  • Feasibility of the project and realism of the proposed budget.

Eligible expenses

  • Living expenses up to a maximum of $1 700 per month are granted to a professional or to each member of a group of professionals;

  • Research expenses;

  • Production expenses such as the rental of a workshop, the purchase of materials, the leasing of equipment and expenses arising from service and other contracts;

  • Some travel expenses;

  • Staying expenses (accomodation and meals) up to a maximum of $125 per day in Canada and $200 per day outside Canada, for a period of up to 15 days are granted to a professional or to each member of a group of professionals. These expenses apply to each member of a group of professionals insofar as they do not exceed the grant’s total amount.

The purchase of specialized equipment is eligible only if the equipment is needed for the project and cannot be rented or the purchase price of which is lower than the rental cost. Supporting documents must be provided.

The professional must be sure to provide the documents indicated in the "Contents of the file" section in the general information before submitting his application.

Registration deadlines
April 1, 2007
September 10, 2007

If the deadline falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, it moves to the next business day. The postmark will be regarded as proof of the date on which the application was mailed.

Applications received after the deadline or incomplete will not be submitted for evaluation.


Please read the General Information first as it applies to all sections.

Participation in artist-in-residence programs

This section is intended to encourage exchanges between architects, landscape architects, professional urban planners and environmental designers in the different regions of Québec by fostering synergy between their approach and the directions followed by an arts organization such as an artists' centre, an association or an event. Moreover, it seeks to support specific work experience, notably through periods of research and creation outside the professionals' own environment that provide them with specialized equipment and professional resources to help them produce works.

Eligibility criteria
This section is open to professionals and groups of professionals whose projects are linked to a production organization.

Section's requirements
The professional or each member of the group of professionals must show how the project is related to the nature, background or policy directions of the host organization and to what extent the services offered by the organization satisfy the professional's or the group's needs.

The professional or the group of professionals must submit proof of the acceptance of the project by a host organization. A host organization may receive a maximum of two professionals or groups of professionals per year and must be recognized by the Conseil.

The professional and the host organization must jointly present the work to the public, at the host organization's expense.

The project must last a minimum of two weeks and not more than two months. The professional must live in the host region during the course of the project.

Amount of the grants
Type A and type B grants
Maximum amount: $10 000

Eligible projects
The creation of works and commissioned works produced in a recognized organization in the architecture or visual arts sector in a region of Québec other than the one in which the professional resides permanently.

Ineligible projects

  • Promotional projects such as the planning and execution of advertising or promotional programs, the preparation of a portfolio, the production of an exhibition catalogue, an invitation card or any activity surrounding the public presentation of a work;

  • Distribution projects;Projects in private galleries, exhibition centres and museums accredited by the ministère de la Culture et des Communications;

  • Projects focusing on research and the writing of articles, criticism and educational or pedagogical documents;

  • Essays on architecture (such projects are eligible for literary grants).

Evaluation criteria

  • Quality of the artistic work;Interest of the project in relation to the professional's approach and the development of the work;

  • Interest of the project in relation to the discipline;

  • Quality of the host organization and of its financial commitment;

  • Feasibility of the project and realism of the proposed budget.

Eligible expenses

  • Living expenses up to a maximum of $1 700 per month are granted to a professional or to each member of a group of professionals;

  • Expenses related to the production of the work;

  • Some travel expenses;

  • Staying expenses (accomodation and meals) up to a maximum of $125 per day, for a period of up to 15 days, are granted to a professional or to each member of a group of professionals. These expenses apply to each member of a group of professionals insofar as they do not exceed the grant’s total amount; 

  • The cost of shipping works, materials and equipment.

The organization must indicate in detail its financial commitment to the project.

The purchase of specialized equipment is eligible only if the equipment is needed for the project and cannot be rented or the purchase price of which is lower than the rental cost. Supporting documents must be provided.

Expenses related to the documentation, dissemination and promotion of the work and exhibition fees are not eligible. Only expenses incurred during the period in residence in the host organization are eligible.

The professional must be sure to provide the documents indicated in the "Contents of the file" section in the general information before submitting his application.

Registration deadline
April 1, 2007

If the deadline falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, it moves to the next business day. The postmark will be regarded as proof of the date on which the application was mailed.

Applications received after the deadline or incomplete will not be submitted for evaluation.


Studios and studio-apartments

The Conseil makes available to artists and writers various studios and studio-apartments in Québec and abroad. In doing so, it seeks to offer professionals the opportunity to take advantage of the vitality and resources of important artistic environments. Moreover, it endeavours to foster the enrichment of artistic viewpoints and ensure reciprocity in international cultural exchanges.

The Conseil offers many studios and studio-apartments located in over 10 countries. Generally speaking, only professional artists and writers with at least two years of artistic practice may register in the Conseil’s studio-apartment program. However, each studio and studio-apartment has specific eligibility criteria and its own registration procedures.

Details pertaining to each studio and studio-apartment are found in a specific document that includes the registration form, and is available from the Conseil and on its Web site. A synoptic table presenting the list of artistic fields and types of grants eliigible for each studio is available for download in PDF (27 kb).

Groups of professionals are not eligible for these grants.

Registration deadline
April 1, 2007
Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes (Studio-apartments for young artists) : the registration date will be confirmed later

If the deadline falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, it moves to the next business day. The postmark will be regarded as proof of the date on which the application was mailed.

Applications received after the deadline or incomplete will not be submitted for evaluation.


Please read the General Information first as it applies to all sections.


Through travel grants, the Conseil wishes to enable
professional and groups of professional architects, landscape architects, urban planners and environmental designers to accept invitations from inside and outside Québec to participate in activities related to their artistic practice or career development.

In the case of travel in Québec, the destination must be more than 400 (four hundred) km from the professional’s place of residence.

Eligibility criteria
Professionals and groups of professionals eligible for type A and type B grants may apply for travel grants.

The professional or the group of professionals must submit an attestation confirming the invitation to participate and indicating the host organization’s financial contribution.

Projects that have already been completed on the registration date are not eligible.

A new application may not be submitted in respect of a project that has been refused.

The Conseil may not award a travel grant in respect of projects eligible under another of its programs nor award a travel grant pertaining to expenses already supported by a program of another organization, e.g. the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications, the Ministère des Relations internationales, the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles, the Office franco-québécois pour la jeunesse, the Canada Council for the Arts.

Eligible projects

  • Participate as a resource person in a conference, a seminar, a symposium or a colloquium.
  • attend a public presentation of the professional's works.

Ineligible projects

  • Transportation of works only.
  • Participate in artist-in-residence projects.
  • Lead creative workshops.
  • Participate in scholastic events.

Amount of the grants
The artist determines the amount requested according to the destination. An artist may apply for one or more travel grants during a given year.

However, he may not obtain more than three travel grants per year or a maximum of $5 000.

The maximum amount of the travel expenses are determined according to the destination:

  • Québec, Ontario, Maritimes: $750
  • Nord du Québec, other regions of Canada, the New England states: $1 000
  • Other regions of the United States, Europe, Mexico: $2 000
  • Africa, Asia, Oceania, Central and South America: $2 500

However, the Conseil takes into account the travel costs assumed by a professional living in an outlying area who must travel more than 400 km to an international airport in Québec. An applicant who satisfies this criterion will receive a maximum additional amount of $750 allocated for a trip in Québec, in addition to the maximum allowed in respect of his final destination outside Québec.

These expenses apply to each member of an artists' group insofar as they do not exceed the grant's total amount.

The Conseil may also cover the cost of shipping works of art and equipment up to a maximum of $2 000.

Evaluation criteria

  • Quality of the artistic work;
  • Interest of the travel project in relation to the artist's career development or to the dissemination of his work;
  • Quality of the host organization;
  • Financial contribution of the host organization or other partners to the realization of the project;
  • Feasibility of the project and realism of the proposed budget.

At any time.

The applicant must complete the travel grant application form.

The Conseil will inform in writing the applicant or the group six weeks after the submission of the application.

For additional information, please contact the Conseil or visit its Web site. 


© Gouvernement du Québec, 2007