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Assistance for the Promotion of Architecture


Completed applications and support material must be postmarked no later than 1 October. If this date falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, the deadline moves to the next business day.

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Program Description

The purpose of this grant program is to give the Canadian public the opportunity to better know, understand and appreciate artistically significant buildings, places and gardents designed by Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. The grants support special projects and help to cover the costs of producing books, films, videos, television programs, exhibitions and public events which have a minimum of 50 percent of contemporary Canadian buildings, places and/or gardens. They are available to organizations such as publishers, producers, exhibition centres, artist-run centres, public galleries, museums and organizations that coordinate events.

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Eligible Applicants

To apply, an organization must:

  • be at least 75 percent Canadian-owned
  • have its head office and executive located in Canada
  • have produced at least three books, films, videos, television programs, exhibitions or events on contemporary art or architecture in Canada in the past 10 years
  • for publishers, to currently be benefitting from a grant from the Book Publishing Support program of the Canada Council’s Writing and Publishing Section, and
  • have satisfied all its contractual obligations toward third parties that participated in earlier projects.

An organization that benefits from annual or multi-year grants from the Canada Council for the Arts (Book Publishing Support, Assistance to Artist-Run Centres or Assistance to Art Museums and Public Galleries) may receive an Assistance for the Promotion of Architecture grant as long as it is for activities not covered in their current operating grant.

All programs of the Canada Council for the Arts are accessible to Aboriginal arts organizations and arts organizations of diverse cultural and regional communities of Canada.

Eligible Projects

To be eligible, projects must:

  • result in a public presentation of contemporary buildings, places or gardens
  • be based on an editorial or curatorial approach that will advance critical thought in Canadian contemporary architecture
  • aim for a wide audience and involve appropriate communication strategies and distribution plans, and
  • projects for films, videos and television programs must be broadcast-driven; unlike programs administered by the Media Arts Section, distribution plans, broadcast licenses or agreements are eligibility criteria for funding.

Ineligible Projects

The following types of projects are not eligible for support:

  • projects of a purely descriptive nature
  • professional manuals or reference books intended for a specialized audience
  • projects that present drawings and installations rather than buildings, places or gardens
  • projects of a purely academic nature or intended  primarily for a scholarly audience
  • projects organized by students and exhibitions presenting the works of students or works created in a training or educational context
  • books that do not meet the grant criteria of the Canada Council’s Writing and Publishing Section, and
  • media-based work that is eligible for funding in existing Canada Council Media Arts Section programs.

Eligible Costs

The direct costs of producing and promoting books, films, videos, television programs, exhibitions or events are eligible for funding. These costs may include professional fees and travel costs for critics and curators; production of models and photographs; design, construction and installation of exhibitions or events; design and printing of books; the costs of circulating exhibitions and promoting books or events. Eligible expenses for films, videos and television programs include: equipment and space rental costs; artistic, professional or other fees and honoraria; travel expenses; production costs; payment for technical services, material and processing; contingency fund (up to 10 percent of the amount of grant requested).

Other Restrictions

Funding is not available for expenses already incurred by the deadline date or for projects to be completed in the four months following the deadline.

Organizations that have yet to submit their final report and/or financial statement for an earlier grant from the Canada Council for the Arts (except current multi-year grants) are not eligible.

Candidates may submit up to two applications per competition.

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Grant Amount

The value of grants awarded under this program may be as high as $50,000.

However, grants shall not exceed 50 percent of the total cost of an exhibition or an event, 33 percent of the total cost of a publication or 20 percent of the total cost of a film, video or television program. Note that service sponsorships are not accepted in calculating revenues. Successful candidates may not always be awarded the full amount requested.

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Application Form

Assistance for the Promotion of Architecture (pdf, 368 KB)
This form can only be printed and cannot be filled out on-line.

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Further Information

Brigitte Desrochers
Architecture Officer
Visual Arts Section
Canada Council for the Arts
350 Albert Street, P.O. Box 1047
Ottawa ON  K1P 5V8

Telephone: 1-800-263-5588 (toll-free) or (613) 566-4414, ext. 5109

TTY (TDD) machine, for hearing-impaired callers: (613) 565-5194

Fax: (613) 566-4332

December 2005