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CRRF Programs - Policy Development & Analysis

The CRRF's policy development program is a relatively new addition to the core program activities of the Foundation.  Policy development and analysis contribute to the CRRF's strategic direction to be a leading voice and agent in the struggle to eliminate racism in all its forms and to contribute to the international struggle against racism. Through this work, the CRRF will influence policy-making in the public and private sectors within Canada and augment Canada's voice in the international arena. 

In addition to developing national anti-racism policies, the policy development unit prepares briefs and other papers, and facilitates stakeholder engagement.

CRRF's contract research program and stakeholder-engagement mechanisms are two primary vehicles that contribute to and support the policy development work of the Foundation.


Current Policy Development Work

The CRRF is currently developing anti-racism policies in four priority areas: A National Anti-Racism Policy, A Policy on Racial Profiling, A Policy on the Collection of Race-Based Statistics and A Policy on the Integration of Race and Anti-Racism in Education and Training.

These four priority areas were determined through a process of literature review, environmental scan, and the convening of dialogues and consultations. with CRRF stakeholders across the country.

Through the convening of national and regional dialogues/consultations the CRRF is able to directly engage with its stakeholders and to facilitate their direct input in the development of these policies, including the production and presentation of papers.  The dialogue and consultations provide  important spaces for networking among CRRF's stakeholders (communities, public institutions, governments and private sector), and  for the building of partnerships.

To date, we have convened dialogues/consultations in Toronto, Ontario; Winnipeg, Manitoba and an upcoming dialogue/consultation is planned for the Atlantic Region.

  • Policy Tools &  Resources
    •  CRRF Policy on Redress & Reparations
    •  Papers Presented at the CRRF Policy Dialogue (Excerpts)
  • Advocacy & Interventions
    • Brief to the Quebec Government on Race Policy




  • Regional
  • National
  • International
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