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Summit On Policing, Race, Relations And Racial Profiling

February 25, 2003



Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. On behalf of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, I welcome and thank you for attending this meeting.

I sincerely hope that much will be accomplished and answers given today.

I am sure that you know that Ontarians expect change and answers. And, I suggest that the status quo will be unacceptable to them.

Three months ago when we met, it was agreed or understood that you would look into the concerns registered by the members of the community at the meeting hosted by Chief Fantino on November 11th, and the Toronto City Council through its motion which was adopted in late October.


  • We agreed that there should be no more studies or ?task forces?, and that it was important to go beyond talk to action;

  • We agreed that there would be a review of zero tolerance for racism, racial discrimination and ?racially-biased policing?, with an emphasis on racial profiling and the importance of understanding it; and

  • We agreed the police services must reflect the diversity of the community they serve, and that there should be inclusive recruiting and hiring practices; and

  • There was consensus that race relations training should be improved where appropriate and should be an ongoing part of police education programs.

  • On a commitment to involving the community in dialogue

  • On the importance of partnerships with all levels of government, the police services and community, and the need for acquisition of sufficient financial and human resources to solve these concerns; and

  • We agreed, with the exception of Mr Bromell, that the complaints process needs to be reviewed and improved..

We also made a commitment to return in approximately three months, allowing each agency or organization time to develop action plans, answers and report on the actual implementation of recommendations.

In addition, Minister Augustine agreed to take the recommendations to the appropriate ministers at the federal level; and Minister Runciman committed to take the recommendations back to the Premier.

For its part, the Foundation has followed through on its commitments and, in the interest of time, that information is provided separately.

I would point out that all communities in the GTA, and other communities throughout the province, are watching and waiting to see what will be tabled regarding the several concerns.

I thought it might be useful for me to impart some of my observations of what has occurred over the last three months. I will add that my observations are based mostly on media reports, communication received through the Foundation?s office and Foundation staff observations gathered in the course of their daily activities.

  • At our last meeting, there was some debate over the definition of racial profiling. I think we all know what is meant by the term and the practice. Debating a definition and the right or wrong of the statistical analysis only detracts from confronting the real issues and concerns.

  • Chief Fantino has continued his meetings with the community, as planned. I hope that he will have a comment on the community?s expectations.

  • The Toronto Police Services Board has opened its meetings to accept deputations on the racial profiling issue, and I hope that Mr Gardner will explain what happened at the February 20th meeting.

  • Premier Eves stated by way of media reports that he would be willing to meet with members of the Black community and others about this issue. I am sure that Mr Runciman will update us on the status of these meetings and the further expectations of the community.

  • Two days from now, the Secretary of State will convene a national meeting on Policing in a Multicultural Society.

These, as I said, are only some observations. I am still concerned that there is still some attempt to link racial profiling and intra-community violent crime in the community. These are two separate issues and should be treated as such. Our purpose here is to further discuss policing, race relations and racial profiling.

Finally, let me just add, that the Foundation still stands ready to assist any and all of your organizations in whatever way possible to work towards eliminating the problems thereby fostering better relations between the police and communities, and enhancing confidence and mutual respect.


We will now hear from you.
Thank you.






The CRRF?s mission is to shed light on the causes and manifestations of racism, provide independent, outspoken national leadership, and act as a resource and facilitator in the pursuit of equity, fairness and social justice for all Canadians. The CRRF is a crown corporation, at arm?s length to the government. It is a registered charitable organization and has Special NGO Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. 




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 Racial Profiling

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on Initiative to Hear Racial Profiling Incidents

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