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Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide


Contract calls

CWB contract calls are now displayed in a new format. To simplify and make the information more relevant for farmers, train runs have been replaced with call regions for contract calls. A call region takes all the different trains runs that were normally called and combines them into regions defined by provincial and rail boundaries. You can find your call region by clicking on the region/train run listing located in the related information box on this page.

The CWB has re-organized the information to put the focus on pieces farmers need most. Under the new format, a summary of contract calls and termination dates are listed by grain class. Once a class is chosen, you will see a summary statement for each call and can click on a detailed view that expands to list the contract series, program, moisture, and call and termination details.

If you require help using this new feature, please call the CWB at 1-800-275-4292.

Last updated: October 17, 2007

Summary of contract calls and termination dates

PDF version: Print all calls/terminations

2007-08 Contract calls news releases