Who Pays For Deposit Insurance
You do not pay CDIC for deposit insurance. CDIC member institutions pay premiums to CDIC.

The ABCs of Deposit Insurance
Up to $100,000 of your savings are insured by CDIC as soon as you deposit them in an eligible account. Your savings must be:
A Accounts that are eligible—for example, savings, chequing and GICs of 5 years or less.
+ Held at…
B Banks and other financial institutions—insured deposits must be held at a CDIC member.
+ And held in...
C Canadian dollars—U.S. dollar and other foreign currency deposits are not eligible.
A + B + C = insured deposits
Find out more about what’s covered and what’s not.

Deposit insurance is different from many types of insurance. You do not pay premiums. CDIC member institutions pay premiums to CDIC to cover the cost of insuring your deposits. In the event of a failure, CDIC pays depositors the amount of their insured savings—up to $100,000 in each of six categories of CDIC deposit insurance coverage.

As a consumer:

  • You don’t pay for our insurance. Banks and other member financial institutions pay premiums to CDIC. See the list of CDIC members.
  • You don’t need to sign up for our insurance. We automatically insure most savings. See What’s Covered, What’s Not Covered.