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Last Updated : 2005-07-08 15:37:44

....Chief Sealth (Seattle) 1855

"The accumulation of wealth at the expense of ravaging the Earth is not justifiable"...Robert Harrington

"Listen to what your heart tells you"...S.L.

"If a man loses anything and goes back and looks carefully for it, he will find it." ....Chief Sitting Bull

"No Additions, No Subtractions, No Divisions; One Heart, One Mind".......Grandfather Wallace Black Elk, 2003

"The weapon of choice today is solidarity and unity through communications."    -Sulian Stone Eagle Herney

"The Greatness Of A Nation And Its Moral Progress Can Be Judged By The Way Its Animals Are Treated." ...Ghandi

"Respect for the land and respect for the animals is central to our culture. We have always believed that a just cause must be pursued through just means"....Peter Penashue, President of Innu Nation

"Only if one loves this Earth with unbending passion
can one release one's sadness...This lovely being, which is alive to its' last recesses, and understands every feeling,soothed me, it cured me of my pains,
and finally, when I had fully understood my love for it,it taught me freedom."  
..Carlos Casteneda  (taught by Yaqui Native Elder Don Mateus) from "Tales of Power" 

"I say, my friends, regardless of where we stand, we need to be strong because it is our responsibility to make our world an ecogically grounded environment and also an economically secure place for our grandchildren.  Corruption needs to be stopped regardless of where it is. That is our highest obligation....biodiversity and Indigenous People."
Steve Fobister, Grassy Narrows First Nation

(Note:  FNEN's website has been cited as one of the six superlative sources of information about Indigenous People's Environmental issues...selected by independent specialists and scholars at Fields of Knowledge on People's  Stewardship of the Natural World, it is referred to students and librarians and made widely available to the public)

The First Nations
Environmental Network

is a national organization of individuals, non-profit groups and Nations who are actively working on environmental issues.

     Many of our members have been working on environmental issues for over 20 years, people like Lorraine Sinclair and Guujaw, now President of the Haida Nation. Our membership includes elders like Joe Iron (92) who lead the longest blockade in the history of North America to prevent clear cutting in his territory in Northern Saskatchewan. It includes the Innu Nation, the Barriere Lake people, the Chief of the Pictou Landing First Nation in Nova Scotia who has fought the fouling of the waters and land by Pulp Mills in his territory and people like Larry House from the Cree Nation who took a canoe down the Hudson River to highlight their concerns about Quebec Hydro and managed to stop the damming of the Great Whale River.
     There are many more who have changed the course of history here in Canada and who are continuing to do so....out of a heartfelt need to take action to stop the further destruction of our Mother Earth and to ensure a safe and healthy, sustaining future for us all.
     With the guidance of Elders and Spiritual Leaders plus our connection to Mother Earth, we empower knowledge to create change for a better life
For All Our Relations.


- We are working to protect and restore the balance of all life.

- Through traditional Indigenous values and the path of our ancestors, we encourage the work of protecting, defending and healing Mother Earth.

- We desire and need to link grassroots Indigenous people nationally and internationally to support each other on environmental struggles and concerns.

- We are obligated to leave footprints for our children to follow by striving to live our life with traditional
Mama and baby bear, 2005


See New Information on "What's Happening" re Global Warming
Deforestation needs to stop in order to help reverse present trends

"We the trees are like stitching in fabric, we hold the parts that clothe the Earth together.  If you take too many of us away, the fabric will unravel and become undone"
...A Vision by Small Buffalo, Tatanka Hunkesi, July 25th, 2000

"Great forests must flourish and man must see to this if he wishes to continue to live on this planet.  The knowledge of this necessity must become part of his consciousness, as much accepted as his need for water in order to live.  He needs trees just as much, the two are interlinked.  Trees are the skin of the Earth, a skin not only covers and protects, but also passes through it the forces of life."  ...D. MacLean

"I am a native of Borneo and we speak differ as we drink water from difference river, and we believe differ as we see the sun rinse in our direction, the forest is not belong to us, but we are belong to the forest."...Ramlee B. Eli  (see guestbook)

"All things are connected, whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth"  ...Chief Seattle  1855

For a Comprehensive Portal to Indigenous People in Canada:

Current News Items, Updated Weekly
Posted by: Admin on Tuesday, September 16, 2003 - 03:18 PM

See What's Happening Page for more details

>Grassy Narrows Info: Longest Blockade in Canada's History: 3 years this month

>FNEN Coordinator receives IFAW Award

>B.C.'s Fish Farm Aquaculture Review

>Scientists and First Nations gather in North: The Changing Arctic

> FNEN Responds to logging of Clayoquot Sound

>Plantations, GM Trees and Indigenous Rights

>Climate Change Major Challenge in World

>Outcome of Indigenous Environmental Network Gathering, Cass Lake, Minn.  July 2006 - Protecting the Land and Water

> Grassy Narrows Update

>Youth Walk against Suicide

>EARTH CHANGES  (See Sacred Message Section)

>Pipelines proposed, some for oil & gas, the other for solvents, from Prairie Tar Sands to Prince Rupert & MacKenzie

>Oil Spill from corroded pipe covers 8 kilometres of Alaska

>An Open Letter from an Alaskan Fisherman re: Exxon

>11th Annual Permaculture Workshop, Santa Fe, NM, July 17th-28th, 2006

>Bear Butte Gathering, July-August, 2006

>DehCho Stop MacKenzie Pipeline

>Arctic Ice Melting Too Fast

>Help Maintain Oil & Gas Moratorium

> IN A SACRED MANNER: Four Herbs Available for Traditional Use

>Native Guide Wants Bear Hunting Stopped

>B.C. First Nation Puts Fish Farms on Notice

>DehCho Trying to STOP MacKenzie Pipeline

>Grassy Narrows Members Reject Abitibi Work Plan

>People of One Earth: Help the Indigenous People of Kamchatka

>Letter to the Poachers (Grizzly Killers) of Kamchatka from 3 youth  >Reindeer People of Northeastern Siberia

>Haida stop the logging and challenge Weyerhauser and Brascan

>Poplar River : The Thunderbird and the Boreal Forest

>Precedent setting case against B.C. Hydro

>Killing of over 300,000 baby seals in Newfoundland

>Miggam'agan Threatened by Gas Pipeline

>Loss of Mangroves contributed to loss of lives in Tsunami Disaster

>Elephant's wisdom saved lives in Phuket

>7,500 - 9,000 wolves shot in Alaska in past 5 years, more planned...while sterilization of alpha wolves continues

>Tsunami: Adaman Island Traditional Knowledge protects tribes

>FNEN Elder Cecile Asham awarded as role model in working together and promoting Aboriginal issues

>Federal Supreme Court rules First Nations Must Be Consulted

>Planet Running out Resources: WWF Report

>Global WarmingThreat: Surprise CO2 increase

>Native Massacres in Columbia due to Cocaine Cartels

>Allister Marshall of FNEN receives award

>Percy Schmeiser loses against Monsanto in Canada's Supreme Court

>Listen to the Wolves

>President of Innu Nation declares Cariboo Kill as "Inconsistent with Traditional Innu values"

>250 Buffalo Slaughtered in Yellowstone National Park

>Manitoba Hydro plans to build Wuskwatim Dam

>Nuu Chah Nulth Tribal Council goes to Court to claim Aboriginal Title to Fisheries

>Lawyer Speaks out on Trial for Murder of Anna Mae Aquash

>75 Yr. Grandmother Speaks for the Earth against logging at 10 month prison sentencing

>Plan to harvest Birds of Prey from nests for "falconry" in B.C.

>Maori Declare War on Genetic Engineering

>Percy Schmeiser versus Monsanto

>Another picture of the oil and gas development in Alaska

>Hydrogen Motor Being Developed in Quebec

>Farmed Salmon toxins dangerous to health study reveals

>Blueberry River in Lawsuit with B.C. Government and Industry over Oil  and Gas Impacts

>Grassy Narrows Fighting to Live

>Very Limited Ducks

>Pukatawagan First Nation fights contamination

>White Moose in Northern Maine

>Other Stories

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