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    [- Various Countries]     [Top]

  • ARE newsletter
    We present this content-driven website and corresponding bi-weekly e-newsletter as our contribution to the growing ... More»
  • ATLAS web site
    This web site provides a comprehensive review of technologies relevant to the whole non-nuclear energy field, with the ... More»
  • Clean Edge
    Launched in 2001 by environmental and high-tech business pioneers Ron Pernick and Joel Makower, Clean Edge is a leading ... More»
  • Energy Matters
    Energy Matters was established as a world wide trading site for information on Energy, Fuels & Power Generation. More»
  • Environmental Technologies
    This portal focuses on Environmental Technologies, i.e. on cleaner and resource efficient technologies which can ... More»
  • ÊÝíôñï Áíáíåþóéìùí Ðçãþí ÅíÝñãåéáò (Centre for Renewable Energy Sources in Greece)
    Ôï ÊÝíôñï Áíáíåþóéìùí Ðçãþí ÅíÝñãåéáò åßíáé ï åèíéêüò öïñÝáò ãéá ôçí ðñïþèçóç ôùí Áíáíåþóéìùí Ðçãþí, ôçò ÏñèïëïãéêÞò ... More»
  • Fuel Cell Today
    Fuel Cell Today is the global internet portal for companies and individuals with an interest in the commercialization ... More»
  • Fuel Cells 2000 - Online Fuel Cell Information Resource
    Fuel Cells 2000 is an independent, ongoing program to educate policy makers, the press, and the general public about ... More»
  • GLOBE-Net
    GLOBE-Net - an initiative of the GLOBE Foundation of Canada - is your weekly guide to the business of the environment ... More»
  • International Journal on Hydropower & Dams
    The International Journal on Hydropower & Dams is a bi-monthly publication, read in 176 countries, dealing with all ... More»
  • International Small Hydro Atlas
    Our international database facilitates the development of new small hydro projects of more than 50 kW and less than ... More»
  • Lietuvos Véjo Energetiku Asociacija (Lithuanian Wind Energy Association)
    Pagrindinis asociacijos tikslas - sukurti ir iðplëtoti pilno ciklo Lietuvos vëjo energetikos, kaip ekologiðkai ðvarios ... More»
  • Microhydro Web Portal
    The Microhydro Web Portal offers interesting facts about current microhydro news, an event calendar and a dicussion ... More»
  • ReFocus
    The international renewable energy magazine of the International Solar Energy Society. More»
  • World Alliance for Decentralized Energy (WADE)
    WADE, the World Alliance for Decentralized Energy, was established in 2002 as a non-profit association whose mission is ... More»

    [Australia]     [Top]

  • COAL21
    Initiated by the Australian Coal Industry, COAL21 is a program aimed at fully realising the potential of advanced ... More»

    [Belgium]     [Top]

  • APERe, Association for the Promotion of Renewable Energies
    The purpose of APERe is to promote renewable energies and the thoughtful use of energy in the framework of sustainable ... More»
  • European Geothermal Energy Council
    European Geothermal Energy Council" (EGEC) is an international association. The aims of our organisation shall be to ... More»
  • European Ocean Energy Association
    The European Ocean Energy Association is a non-profit association established in 2006 for the representation of all ... More»

    [Brazil]     [Top]

  • Brazilian Solar and Wind Energy Reference Center
    CRESESB (The Brazilian Solar and Wind Energy Reference Center), is the best place for you to be informed about solar ... More»

    [Canada]     [Top]

  • Alternatives Journal - Canada Environemntal Ideas & Action
    ALTERNATIVES is an independent journal whose mandate is : to provide critical and informed analysis of environmental ... More»
  • Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
    The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada is an independent, not-for-profit think tank on Canada's relations with Asia. The ... More»
  • Aztext Press
    Aztext Press is the publisher of the industry's best residential energy efficiency and renewable energy books. Our ... More»
  • Canadian Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters
    Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters, known as the Alliance of Manufacturers & Exporters Canada until October, 2000, was ... More»
  • Canadian Consulting Engineer
    Canadian Consulting Engineer is a magazine for professional engineers working as consultants in the construction field. ... More»
  • Canadian Trade Commissioner Service
  • Canadian Transportation Fuel Cell Alliance
    The Canadian Transportation Fuel Cell Alliance is a $33 million federal government initiative that will demonstrate and ... More»
  • Centre for Energy
    The Centre for Energy was created to meet a growing demand for balanced, credible information about the energy sector ... More»
  • Climate Change Solutions is Canada's 'megasite' of interactive tools, resources and success stories on actions to ... More»
  • Energy Solutions Centre
    The Energy Solutions Centre is a service and program delivery agency for the Federal and Yukon governments' programs ... More»
  • Environment Canada's Wind Energy Atlas
    Environment Canada's Wind Energy Atlas web site aims at developing new meteorological tools to be used by Canada's wind ... More»
  • Hybridyne Power Systems Canada Inc
  • Hybridyne Turnkey System
    Hybridyne will build you a ‘turnkey’ system in a range of sizes, the smallest practical being about 50 KiloWatts, and ... More»
  • International Flaring Consortium
  • is a renewable energy project kit that can be downloaded and printed from the world wide web - for free! ... More»
  • RETScreen International - Clean Energy Decision Support Centre
    The RETScreen International Clean Energy Decision Support Centre seeks to build the capacity of planners, ... More»

    [China]     [Top]

  • Canada China Business Council (CCBC)
    The Canada China Business Council (CCBC) is a private-sector, non-profit membership organization incorporated in 1978 ... More»
  • Canada-China Society of Science & Technology Industries (CCSSTI)
    Canada-China Society of Science & Technology Industries (CCSSTI) is a non-profit organization incorporated under the ... More»
  • Hong Kong-Canada Business Association (HKCBA)
    The Hong Kong-Canada Business Association (HKCBA) was formed in 1984 as a national non-profit corporation to promote ... More»
  • Inc.
  • Renewable Energy Scale-up Program (CRESP)
    The Renewable Energy Scale-up Program for China aims to create a legal, regulatory, and institutional environment ... More»
  • The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong
    The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong is a proactive, non-government body representing more than 1150 members ... More»

    [Denmark]     [Top]

  • World of Wind Atlases
    This site is dedicated to the world of wind atlases, the wind atlas methodology and wind atlases of the world. The site ... More»

    [European Union]     [Top]

  • Bioenergy in Finland
    Finlands most comprehensive bioenergy information web site. More»

    [India]     [Top]

  • Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India
    The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), India's premier apex chamber covers a membership ... More»
  • Bengal National Chamber of Commerce & Industry
    In its role as a facilitator, BNCCI activates its umbrella network to provide support services to entrepreneurs and ... More»
  • Bombay Chamber of Commerce & Industry
    Bombay Chamber is India's premier Chamber of Commerce & Industry situated in Mumbai, the Industrial, Financial and ... More»
  • Canada India Business
    Government of Canada link to India export information. More»
  • Canada-India Business Council
    The Canada-India Business Council is the leading private sector association of Canadian companies doing business in ... More»
  • Confederation of Indian Industry
    The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the growth of ... More»
  • Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) India Web page
    This site provides information related to Canada and India. More»
  • Environmental Information Centre
    The Environmental Information Centre was created to generate awareness about environmental challenges, stimulate ... More»
  • Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI)
    The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) was established in 1927, on the advice of Mahatma ... More»
  • Goa Chamber of Commerce & Industry
    The Goa Chamber of Commerce & Industry is one of the oldest Chambers of Commerce and Industry established in 1908 and ... More»
  • Government of India Directory of Official Web Sites
    A one-point source to know all about Indian Government websites at all levels and from all sectors. More»
  • Government of India, Ministry Of Environment & Forests
    The Ministry of Environment & Forests is the nodal agency in the administrative structure of the Central Government, ... More»
  • Government of India, Ministry Of Non Conventional Energy Sources
    The official web-site of the Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources. Join us in developing renewable energy ... More»
  • Government of India, Ministry of Power
    The Ministry is concerned with perspective planning, policy formulation, processing of projects for investment ... More»
  • Gujarat Chamber of Commerce & Industry
    The Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry has emerged as an apex organisation of Trade and Industry in Gujarat ... More»
  • Gurgaon Chamber of Commerce & Industry
    Our objectives are to promote, develop, encourage commerce trade and industry and to create friendly feeling and ... More»
  • India in Business
    Website of the Investment and Trade Promotion Division of the Ministry of External Affairs. More»
  • Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    The Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry is one of the oldest organisations of its kind in the Country. The year ... More»
  • Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce
    The Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) is the premier, privately funded, not-for-profit, business organization ... More»
  • National Centre for Trade Information
    With a view to creating an institutional mechanism for collection and dissemination of trade data and improving ... More»
  • is India's only portal on energy and the environment. The portal is maintained by Winrock ... More»
  • Technology Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship Information Service
    A Joint Project of NSTEDB, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India and Federation of Indian Chambers ... More»
  • Winwork International
    Winrock International India (WII) is a non-profit organization working in the areas of natural resource management, ... More»

    [Italy]     [Top]

  • International Geothermal Association
    The International Geothermal Association (IGA), founded in 1988, is a scientific, educational and cultural organization ... More»

    [Mexico]     [Top]

  • Aspectos económicos y sociales del Cambio Climático SEMERNAT (Social and economical aspects of climate change)
  • ATPAE - Asociación de Técnicos y Profesionistas en Aplicación Energética, A.C. (Association of Professionals and Techniciens in Energy Application)
    La ATPAE es un organismo no gubernamental y no lucrativo, habiendo iniciado su actividad desde el año de 1980 con la ... More»
  • Biomasa (Biomass)
    Introducción / Technology Description More»
  • Comisión Ambiental Metropolitana (Metropolitan Environmental Commission)
    Definir, coordinar y dar seguimiento, en forma concurrente a las políticas, programas, proyectos y acciones en materia ... More»
  • Comision Nacional para Ahorro de Energia
    Conae es un órgano administrativo desconcentrado de la Secretaría de Energía, que goza de autonomía técnica y ... More»
  • Comisión Nacional para el Ahorro de Energía (National Commission for Energy Conservation)
    La Comisión Nacional para el Ahorro de Energía (Conae) es un órgano administrativo desconcentrado de la Secretaría de ... More»
  • Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (Convention Frame of the United Nations on Climate Change)
  • Electrificación Rural (Rural Energy Consumption)
    En este trabajo se presenta un desglose de los aspectos más importantes que determinan el consumo de energía en los ... More»
  • Energía Eólica (Wind Energy)
    Introducción, aplicaciones y tecnologías, tecnologías de aprovechamiento, Casos exitosos (Experiencias en México) / ... More»
  • Energía minihidráulica (Small Hydropower)
    Introducción, Recurso de Energía Minihidráulica, Tecnologías disponibles. / Introduction, Small Hydropower Resources, ... More»
  • Energía Renovable (Renewable Energy)
    Que son las energías renovables? Programa de venta de calentadores solares. Contrato de interconexión para fuentes de ... More»
  • Energía y tecnologías ecoeficientes para la industria - Folleto
    Canadá posee una industria del medio ambiente dinámica y de primera clase. Una de las piedras angulares de esta ... More»
  • FIDE - Fideicomiso para el Ahorro de Energía Eléctrica - Fund for Efficient Use of Electrical Energy
    El FIDE es un organismo privado no lucrativo, creado en 1990 para promover acciones que induzcan y fomenten el ahorro y ... More»
  • Foro de Cambio Climático: "La importancia del cambio climático en México" SEMERNAT ( Forum of Climatic Change: "The Importance of the Climatic Change in Mexico")
    Texto escrito cerca Victor Lichtinger Waisman, secretario de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Universidad Autonoma ... More»
  • FUNTENER - Transicíon Energética (FUNTENER - Power Generation)
    Mejorar, desde el espacio de las organizaciones no gubernamentales, el conocimiento que sobre la energía, su tecnología ... More»
  • Hidrógeno (Hydrogen)
    Celdas de Hidrógeno, Aplicaciones, Beneficios ambientales. / Hydrogen Cells, Applications, Environmental Benefits. More»
  • Instituto Nacional de Ecología (National Institute of Ecology)
    Misión: La generación de información científica y técnica sobre problemas ambientales y la capacitación de recursos ... More»
  • Investigación Sobre Cambio Climático - Líneas de Investigación (Areas of Investigation on Climate Change)
    Líneas de Investigación / Areas of Interest More»
  • Investigación sobre Cambio Climático (Research on Climate Change)
    Realizar las investigaciones sobre el cambio climático en México, tanto para mitigarlo como para la adaptación del ... More»
  • La Importancia del Desorrollo de Capacidades Institucionales Descentralizadas e Integrales en Materia de Ahorro de Energía y Energía Renovables
    El mundo, y por ende nuestro país, vive un proceso de acelerados cambios en muchas dimensiones. En particular, los ... More»
  • México en el Protocolo de Kioto (Kyoto Protocol for Mexico)
    Protocolo de Kioto de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas Sobre el Cambio Climático. / The Kyoto Protocol guide ... More»
  • Política Energética Renovables - SENER - Secretaría de Energía (Renewable Energy Policy)
    Por secundo año consecutivo, la Secretaria de Energía (SENER), a través la Comisión Nacional para el Ahorro de Energía ... More»
  • Programa Medio Ambiental del Sector Energía SENER (Environmental Program of the Energy Sector)
    El Programa Sectorial de Energía 2001-2006 (PROSENER), fija como objetivo general garantizar una oferta de energéticos ... More»
  • Programas de Apoyo y Principales Avances - FIDE (Programs of Support and Main Advances)
    En concordancia con la misión del FIDE, se han implementado diversos proyectos para demostrar a los diferentes usuarios ... More»
  • Programas nacionales e internacionales de ahorro de energía eléctrica - FIDE (National and International programs of Efficient electrical energy use)
    Por iniciativa de la Comisión Federal de Electricidad el FIDE lleva a cabo proyectos que estimulan el uso de equipos de ... More»
  • Proyectos (FIDE) - Projects (FIDE - Fund for Efficient Use of Electrical Energy)
    El FIDE apoya la realización de proyectos que permiten ahorros de energía eléctrica en los sectores: industrial, ... More»
  • Ratifica México su compromiso con la entrada en vigor del Protocolo de Kioto SEMARNAT (With the Kyoto Protocol becoming effective, Mexico ratifies his commitment)
    En reunión realizada con las instituciones que forman parte del Sector Medio Ambiente en el estado, el Delegado de la ... More»
  • Secretaría de Energía (Secretariat of Energy)
    Misión: Conducir la política energética del país, dentro del marco constitucional vigente, para garantizar el ... More»
  • Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, SEMARNAT (The Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources)
    La Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, SEMARNAT es la dependencia de gobierno que tiene como propósito ... More»
  • Sistemas Solares Fotovoltaicos (Photovoltaic Systems)
    Introducción, Recurso, Desarrollos y aplicaciones actuales. / Technology introduction, resources and present ... More»
  • Sistemas Térmicos Solares (Solar Thermal Systems)
    Introducción, Tecnologías, Recurso, Desarrollos y aplicaciones actuales /Solar thermal system description, ... More»
  • SRE - Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mexico)
    La Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores declara como su Misión: Ampliar y profundizar las relaciones políticas, ... More»

    [UK]     [Top]

  • British BioGen
    British BioGen are the Trade Association to the UK Bioenergy Industry. Our mission is: "to promote and co-ordinate the ... More»
  • European Marine Energy Centre
    The European Marine Energy Centre, based at Stromness in Orkney, is the world's first grid-connected marine energy test ... More»
  • NaREC - New and Renewable Energy Centre
    NaREC (New and Renewable Energy Centre) is one of the five Centres of Excellence set up by One NorthEast as part of the ... More»
  • Pico Hydro Network
    The pico hydro network is the first network specialising in very small hydro systems, up to 5 kW. The network is being ... More»
  • U.K. EV E-zine
    EV UK is a campaign for real, long-range, electric vehicles. More»

    [USA]     [Top]

  • Center of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology
    REPP's goal is to accelerate the use of renewable energy by providing credible information, insightful policy analysis, ... More»
  • EPA: Clean Energy Website
    Energy is fundamental to our society—it powers our homes, businesses, and industries. However, the process of ... More»
  • International District Energy Association
    IDEA fosters the success of its members as leaders in providing reliable, economical, efficient and environmentally ... More»
  • NREL: Clean Energy Basics
    If you're wondering what renewable energy and energy efficiency are all about, you've come to the right place. More»
  • was started in 1998 by a group of Renewable Energy professionals who wanted their work to ... More»

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