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Bank of Canada

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Topic Index

Bank of Canada research documents listed by topic. Based on the JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) classification system.

Subscription Information for Print Publications

Economic Research at the Bank of Canada, 1935-65 — by David McQueen.

Why Monetary Policy Matters: A Canadian Perspective — by Christopher Ragan.

Publications Catalogue

PDF version of our annual printed catalogue of research publications.


Publications and Research


Research is central to the monetary policy framework. The Bank continues to broaden its research and analysis of structural and sectoral issues, while establishing research partnerships with outside institutions and individuals.

NOTE: Changes to publication of working papers
The process for the publication of Bank of Canada working papers has been changed. Effective January 2007, such research will be published as either discussion papers or working papers. Both will appear only in electronic format on this website. Paper copies of these papers will no longer be available.

Working Papers

Working papers are research in progress. They are published to invite feedback from a technical audience and are intended for journal publication. From 1994 to present.

Discussion papers

Discussion papers deal with finished work on technical issues related to the functions and policy-making of the Bank. They are of interest to specialists and/or other central bankers.

Technical Reports

Technical reports cover a broad range of work of significance to the Bank's functions and policy formulation. They are generally of interest to a specialist audience.

Conferences, Seminars, and Workshops

Papers and proceedings from Bank of Canada conferences, seminars, and workshops

Fellowship Program

The Fellowship Program recognizes and encourages researchers at Canadian universities.

Research Highlights

Key aspects of the Bank's research program.

Economics Staff

Home pages for members of our economics research staff and executives.