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Archaeological Field Research Licence

In keeping with Archaeological Services' responsibility to safeguard our diminishing archaeological resources and to ensure that any exploration of the same is of the highest standard, a valid Archaeological Field Research Licence is required to undertake any type of archaeological fieldwork in New Brunswick. This licence  is  issued by the
Minister responsible under Section 7.1 of the New Brunswick Historic Sites Protection Act.

An Archaeological Field Research Licence ensures that the information recovered from archaeological sites will become a permanent part of our heritage and, that the recovered archaeological materials themselves will be available for future generations of New Brunswickers. Archaeological materials are taken to include    artifacts   and   any   field   notes,
diagrams, maps, catalogues, and photographs that describe the context from which the artifacts were recovered.

An Archaeological Field Research Licence is required for each separate project that the applicant wishes to undertake. No blanket licence will be issued. A project is defined as an individual piece of archaeological field research designed to preserve, protect and/or learn something about the past. The  final decision  on  what  constitutes a
project or several projects will be at the discretion of the Minister. Several licences, however, may be held concurrently. A clear distinction is made between projects undertaken for the purpose of better understanding our heritage and those undertaken as a part of an environmental /heritage impact study.

For further information on licencing please click here.
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