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Economic Benefits of CANDU
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Economic Benefits of CANDU

  • Nuclear energy in Canada is a $5 billion/year industry, providing employment for more than 30,000 highly trained people in more than 150 companies.
  • Canada’s nuclear industry creates another 70,000 jobs in associated supplies and services and generates more than $700 million each year in federal income and sales taxes.
  • The total direct and indirect economic benefits to Canada from the building of two new CANDUs is estimated to be $6 billion and create thousands of new high-tech jobs, generating approximately 80,000 person years of employment.
  • Ontario and Canada also benefit significantly from CANDU exports underpinned by a strong domestic CANDU program:
    • Qinshan (China) project delivered $760 million and 9,700 jobs to Ontario-based suppliers.
    • GDP benefit to Canada of ACR-1000 exports over the next 20 years is estimated to be $11-29 billion at 10% market share, with 190,000 to 470,000 jobs and up to $4 billion in tax revenues.
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Five of the world’s leading nuclear technology and engineering companies have signed an agreement to work together as Team CANDUMore