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Application Guide for Workshop / Symposia / Conference Support to the Knowledge Translation (KT) Branch

Table of Contents

Eligible Areas and Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation Process
General CIHR Guidelines and Conditions of Funding
Funding Information
Program Description
How to Apply
Communications Requirements
Contact Information
Description of Partners: CIHR Institutes and Partner Organizations
Funded Workshops and Symposia


The CIHR KT Branch will provide partial support of workshops, symposia and conferences, which either support KT research and/or contribute to building networks. We will contribute up to $5,000 towards the funding of Workshops, up to $10,000 towards the funding of Symposia, and up to $20,000 for the funding of Conferences.

An important part of CIHR's mandate is to translate knowledge into improved health for Canadians. Knowledge translation (KT) is the exchange, synthesis and ethically-sound application of knowledge - within a complex system of interactions among researchers and users - to accelerate the capture of the benefits of research for Canadians through improved health, more effective services and products, and a strengthened health care system.

For more information on the KT Branch's Strategic Directions please see: Canadian Institutes of Health Research Knowledge Translation Strategy: Innovation in Action 2004 - 2009.

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Eligible Areas and Evaluation Criteria

The KT Branch is particularly interested in supporting workshops symposia and conferences which support KT research or contribute to building networks that bring stakeholders together.

Support KT Research

Supporting KT research is essential to developing the science of KT, and will lead to a better understanding of the concepts and theories that underlie effective KT and better determination of effective strategies for knowledge translation.

Workshop/ Symposia / Conference may focus on:

Applications will be assessed according to the following criteria:

Contribute to Building Networks that Bring Stakeholders Together

Supporting workshops symposia and conferences that focus on building networks that bring stakeholders together is essential to sustain the necessary connections and ongoing interaction among knowledge creators and knowledge users that under-pins successful knowledge translation (Landry1, 2001; Lomas2, 1997).

Networks of researchers and knowledge users will come together to assess health priorities, and understand, prepare and disseminate evidence for creating change and improving health and the health system, thereby improving the conditions that lead to effective and timely uptake and application of research knowledge.

The event may focus on:

Applications will be assessed according to the following criteria:

CIHR Institute of Infection and Immunity (III)
III is leading the Pandemic Preparedness Research Initiative (PPRI) to develop a coordinated and focused research effort and to build influenza and pandemic preparedness research capacity in Canada. Under this Initiative, III is supporting operating and team grants, capacity building and multidisciplinary approaches to pandemic preparedness. The ultimate goal is that the new knowledge will allow Canada and others around the world to prevent or mitigate an influenza pandemic or to be better prepared to respond to a pandemic should one arise. See the Institute's website for more information about the PPRI.

III will provide funding for workshops and symposia that are determined to be relevant to pandemic research and that will contribute to pandemic preparedness planning and control.

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Evaluation Process

Applications will be reviewed internally by relevant CIHR staff. Applications will be assessed with the evaluation criteria outlined above.

Access to Information Act and Privacy Act, and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)

CIHR as a federal entity is subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act, therefore the requirements of these two statutes will apply to all information located in CIHR's premises including, without limitation, cost-sharing agreements related to this Request for Applications and all matters pertaining thereto.

The Parties, while respecting the application of the Privacy Act to federal entities, will also be bound by the PIPEDA. All personal information (as identified by the PIPEDA) collected, used or disclosed in the course of any commercial activity under cost-sharing agreements related to the Request for Applications will be collected, used and disclosed in compliance with the PIPEDA.

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General CIHR Guidelines and Conditions of Funding

All conditions specified in CIHR General Grants and Awards Policies shall apply to applications funded through this program. Conditions cover areas such as Applicant and Institutional Responsibilities, Ethics, Official Language Policy, Access to Information and Privacy Acts, and Acknowledgement of CIHR Support. Successful applicants will be informed of any special financial conditions prior to the release of funds or when they receive CIHR's Authorization for Funding (AFF) document.

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Funding Information

The KT Branch will provide partial support for workshops and scientific symposia and Conferences held in Canada, which have direct relevance to Knowledge Translation.

The Branch will normally contribute $5,000 to $20,000 towards the funding of workshops, symposia and conferences. The Branch will consider requests for support of the travel and subsistence of participants and of the administrative costs connected with the organization of such meetings. It will not subsidize the printing of proceedings or the payment of honoraria.

Funds Available for Research in Specific Areas

For this competition, additional funds are available to encourage and support applications related to pandemic preparedness.

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Program Description

CIHR's funding of workshops, symposia and conferences is focused primarily on those areas which fall within the mandates of its 13 Institutes. Institutes will issue, from time to time, requests for applications for workshops in selected fields of health research. Those seeking support for workshops which fall within the mandates of specific Institutes are advised to consult the Institute websites for current opportunities for support, as well as the name of the appropriate Institute contact person, application procedures and time lines.

The Knowledge Translation Branch of CIHR recognizes that groups of researchers will have original and important ideas for workshops, symposia and conferences related to Knowledge Translation that may lie outside the current mandates of Institutes.

Other sources of funding

Partnerships are at the heart of all KT activity. As such, organizers are encouraged to find additional sponsors for their Workshops, Symposia and Conferences, as one way to build partnerships between various stakeholders in health research.


A workshop is defined as a meeting of a limited number of persons (10-30) individually invited to address specific questions or problems with the purpose of reaching a consensus on recommendations or conclusions leading to an improved focus on research issues. The majority of participants should hold appointments in Canada. CIHR's contribution normally does not exceed $5,000.


The subject matter of scientific symposia should be important to a significant number of Canadian investigators and have clear relevance to health research. Participation must be open to all interested Canadian investigators and not restricted to participants from a particular geographic region or professional society. CIHR's contribution normally does not exceed $10,000.


A conference is defined as an event usually lasting one day or longer with open registration for a large number of participants.  The subject matter of a conference should be important to a significant number of Canadian researchers/knowledge users and have a clear relevance to health research and/or knowledge translation.  Participation must be open to all interested Canadian researchers/knowledge users and not restricted to participants from a particular geographic region or professional society. CIHR's contribution normally does not exceed $20,000.

CIHR will reserve the right to send an observer to the event at its own expense, but without registration fee, or to provide information about CIHR to participants.

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How to Apply


Timelines -
NOTE: Applications will be accepted three times per year and will not be accepted less than three months prior to the date of your event.
Fall Winter Spring  
Sept 1 Jan 1 May 1 Full applications must be courier stamped prior to one of the closing dates.
Nov 1 Mar 1 July 1 Notification of decision. Decisions will be communicated to the applicant within 6 weeks after reception of the application.
Dec 1 Apr 1 Aug 1 Anticipated start date. Event should not take place prior to this date.
Duration of Funding Up to one-year, non-renewable.
Funding Funding will be sent, at the earliest, one month prior to the workshop.








The application form is available on the KT Website in PDF format. The form can be filled out directly or saved for further reference. The applicant must still print it and sign it for submission by regular mail or courier. The form cannot be submitted over the web or by email.

Send three copies of the application, one with an original signature and two copies to the Knowledge Translation Branch at least three months prior to the date of the proposed event, at the following address:

Knowledge Translation Branch - Workshops / Symposia / Conferences
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Room 97, 160 Elgin Street
Address locator: 4809A
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0W9

PLEASE NOTE: The last application intake for the Knowledge Translation Workshop/Symposia/Conference funding program will be September 1, 2007. This program is now launched as part of CIHR's Meetings, Planning and Dissemination Grant funding opportunity. To view this opportunity, use the new CIHR Funding Opportunity Database and select the appropriate opportunity from the list which is sorted alphabetically.

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Communications Requirements

Please note that, with the grantee's consent, the executive summary provided will be posted on the KT web site and should include:

  1. objectives of the event;
  2. a description of the attendees / partners in attendance;
  3. a summary of the discussions that took place;
  4. important decisions and actions taken during the event;
  5. recommendations which arose from the event (if applicable).

Please send the report electronically by email to:

Leah Jurkovic
KT Sector Specialist
Knowledge Translation Branch - Workshops / Symposia / Conferences
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Room 97, 160 Elgin Street
Address locator: 4809A
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0W9

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Contact Information

Should you have any questions about the application or evaluation process please do not hesitate to contact:
Leah Jurkovic
KT Sector Specialist
Knowledge Translation

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Description of Partners: CIHR Institutes and Partner Organizations

CIHR - Institute of Infection and Immunity
The CIHR Institute of Infection and Immunity (III) supports research to enhance immune-mediated health and to reduce the burden of infectious disease, immune-mediated disease, and allergy through prevention strategies, screening, diagnosis, treatment, support systems, and palliation.

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Funded Workshops and Symposia

KT Funded Workshops and Symposia Events in 2004-2005

Links to executive summaries will be added as they are received.

Executive summary of workshop / symposia Date Place
CKT Spring Institute 2-May-04 Edmonton
CME Congress 2004 15-May-04 Toronto
5th International Heart Health Conference 13-Jun-04 Milan, Italy
Cape Breton Health Research Symposium 18-Jun-04 Cape Breton
QUOROM Conference 2004 Spring/Summer 04 Ottawa
International Beryllium Research Conference March 8-11, 2005 Montréal, QC
Cochrane Colloquium October 2-6 2004 Ottawa
Science Writers International Conference 4-Oct-04 Montreal
Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada November 6-8,2004 Ottawa
Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research (CCGHR) July 11-15, 2004 Halifax
Community Mobilization for Diabetes Prevention Training February 21-22, 2005 Winnipeg, MB
Promoting Best Gynecologic Oncology Practice: A National Approach March 30-31, 2005 Hamilton, ON

KT Funded Workshops and Symposia Events in 2005-2006

Links to executive summaries will be added as they are received.

Executive summary of workshop / symposia Date Place
5th International Myotonic Dystrophy Consortium Meeting (IDMC-5) October 19-22, 2005 Québec, QC
11th Canadian Conference on Connective Tissues: Multidisciplinary research in connective tissue development, health and disease. May 26-28, 2005 Montréal, QC
Knowledge Transfer: Making changes based on the evidence. June 18, 2005. Ottawa, ON
Second Summer Institute for New Global Health Researchers July 25-29, 2005. Ifakara, Tanzania.
State of the Art Research Relating to Inherited Bleeding Disorders May 28, 2005. Hamilton, ON
Charlottetown, PEI
3rd International Shared Decision Making Conference June 14-16, 2005. Ottawa, ON
Summer Institute 2005- Rural and Remote Research: Rhetoric and reality. June 5-10, 2005. Rocky Harbour, Newfoundland.
1er Congrès international sur le médicament. Conception, production et consommation : perspectives interdisciplinaires August 29-September 2, 2005. Montréal, QC
Pathways and gateways from research to policy: focus on the determinants of immigrant health across the life span September 15-16, 2005. Halifax, Nova Scotia
Maximizing Knowledge Translation Capacity in Palliative and End-of-Life Care New and Emerging Teams (NETs) September 13-14, 2005 Ottawa, ON
Environment and Health September 21-23, 2005 Québec, QC
Best Practices in Disability Management for Physical Therapists: Improving Return-to-Work Outcomes September 23, 2005. Edmonton, AB
Canadian League against Epilepsy/Canadian Epilepsy Research Initiative 1st Annual Retreat September 23-25, 2005. Gatineau, QC
Using the Best Scientific Information to Guide Health Decisions December 2-3, 2005 Montréal, QC
Governance and patient safety: findings from two Health Canada grant research projects November 17, 2005 Vancouver, BC
Out of the darkness: Shinning the light towards a National Suicide Prevention Strategy: C.A.S.P. Conference 2005 October 16-19, 2005 Ottawa, ON
Indigenous Peoples Health Research Centre March 3-6, 2006 Saskatchewan
The SPIRIT Initiative: Defining Standard Protocol Items for Randomized Trials September 1, 2006 Ottawa, ON
Development Workshop to Establish a Practice-Based Research Networks in Primary Care in Newfoundland and Labrador September 30, 2006 St. John's, Newfoundland

KT Funded Workshops and Symposia Events in 2006-2007

Links to executive summaries will be added as they are received.

Executive summary of workshop / symposia  Date  Place
Business Health- Employee Health: Creation, Retention and Renewal July 7-9, 2006 Vancouver, BC
Building Research Literacy and Research Capacity in the Training and Practice of Massage Therapists June 25-25, 2006 New Westminster, BC
4e Congrès international de la francophonie en prévention du suicide May 30 - June 2, 2006 Montréal, QC
The Blood System and HIV: The Canadian Experience August 12, 2006 Toronto, ON
TUTOR-PHC Alumni Knowledge Translation and Networking Symposium May 10-11, 2007 King City, ON
International HHT Clinical Guidelines Conference November 15-16, 2006 King City, ON
The Consort Statement 10 years out: Celebrating a Canadian contribution to the international effort to improve the quality of reporting of clinical research November 1, 2006 Ottawa or Montréal
Nursing Management in Canadian Hospitals- From Research to Practice February 4, 2007 Ottawa, ON
2006 National Forum on Knowledge Transfer and Exchange October 23-24, 2006 Toronto, ON
Knowledge Translation in Emergency Medicine: Establishing a Research Agenda and Guide Map for Evidence Uptake May 25, 2007 Chicago, Illinois, USA
Workshop on evaluating EXTRA/FORCES and SEARCH Program effects on Health Care Organizations March 5-6, 2007 Edmonton, AB
Advancing Knowledge, Strategy and Connectedness in Healthcare Across Cultures May 10-11, 2007 Montréal, QC
Collaboration in Clinical Practice Guidelines- A Conference of the Guidelines International Network August 22- 25, 2007 Toronto, ON

KT Funded Workshops and Symposia Events in 2007-2008

Links to executive summaries will be added as they are received.

Executive summary of workshop / symposia / conference Date Place
2e Congrès International sur la Chaîne des médicaments:  Regards interdisciplinaries sur la diversité et la complexité October 14-17, 2007 Montréal, QC
Custody & Caring International Conference September 26-28, 2007 Saskatoon, SK
Tous unis contre la douleur/Unified against Pain November 1-3, 2007 Montréal, QC
Colloque Francophone sur la Douleur - "Repenser la douleur: un pari interdisciplinaire" September 18, 2007 Montréal, QC

1 Landry, R., Lamari, M., & Amara, N. (Forthcoming). Extent and determinants of utilization of university research in government agencies. Public Administration Review.

2 Lomas, J. (1990). Finding audiences, changing beliefs: The structure of research use in Canadian health policy. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 15(3), 525-541.

Modified: 2007-09-24