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Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide

About us

Annual reports

Following the end of each crop year (August 1 to July 31), the CWB produces an annual report which reviews CWB operations.

The 2005-06 annual report is available below in PDF file format. It has been divided into sections for ease of downloading and printing.

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Full report

A message from the chair of the board of directors and the president and CEO

We're evolving

Corporate governance

Management discussion and analysis

Financial results

Corporate profile

The CWB markets western Canadian wheat and barley in Canada and throughout the world. All sales revenue, less marketing expenses, is returned to farmers. The CWB is controlled by a board of directors that is comprised of 10 farmer-elected members and five federal government appointees. As a major international grain trader and a major earner of foreign exchange, the CWB enables Prairie wheat and barley producers to head-to-head with other major players in the grain industry.

Financial highlights
2005-06 2004-05 2003-04 2002-03 2001-02 2000-01
Combined pool operating results ($ millions)
Revenue $3,498.3 $3,739.3 $4,136.2 $3,339.9 $4,379.2 $4,220.9
Direct costs 458.3 407.5 369.7 318.7 384.5 350.5
Net revenue from operations 3,040.0 3,331.8 3,766.5 3,021.2 3,994.7 3,870.4
Other income 149.3 163.4 161.1 132.7 188.5 179.9
Net interest earnings 36.1 53.4 56.1 54.8 91.6 75.2
Administrative expenses (69.8) (69.2) (67.6) (54.1) (50.4) (66.4)
Grain industry organizations (2.1) (1.6) (1.8) (1.8) (1.7) (1.7)
Earnings for distribution $3,153.5 $3,477.8 $3,914.3 $3,152.8 $4,222.7 $4,057.4
2005-06 2004-05 2003-04 2002-03 2001-02 2000-01
Receipts from producers (000's tonnes)
Wheat 11 971.2 13 296.3 12 376.0 8 696.0 13 331.0 13 961.0
Durum 4 308.9 3 824.0 3 079.7 3 804.0 3 246.0 3 665.0
Designated barley 1 464.7 1 1 752.5 2 138.4 891.0 2 205.0 2 273.0
Barly (pool A) 915.8 29.0 - - - -
Barley (pool B) 127.5 468.7 - - - -
Barley - - 844.0 40.0 54.0 454.0
Total 18 788.1 19 370.5 18 438.0 13 431.0 18 836.0 20 353.0