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Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide


Buying grain

High quality products

Individualized service

Customer credit programs

Reliable supply

High quality products

Canada has one of the most sophisticated grain quality control systems in the world. Maintained by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC), an independent agency, this system ensures our customers receive the grain quality and consistency they require. The cornerstones of this quality assurance system are stringent variety registration and grading systems. The CWB also works closely with the CGC, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, plant breeders and researchers in the development of new wheat and barley varieties to meet our customers' changing needs.

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Individualized service

The CWB is innovative and responsive to customer needs, providing flexible purchasing options such as basis contracts, export credit if necessary, sales on in-store, FOB or cost and freight bases. We can also provide identity preserved grain cargoes for those customers who recognize their value.

Our capability to provide technical assistance and after-sales service is unparalleled within the international grain trade. Working in conjunction with agencies such as the Canadian International Grains Institute (CIGI), the Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre (CMBTC) and the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC), we offer technical assistance for customers.

CIGI's facilities in Winnipeg include state-of-the-art pilot-scale milling, baking and pasta making equipment. The CMBTC's facilities include world-leading pilot-scale malting and brewing equipment. The CGC, with its Grain Research Laboratory, is responsible for quality control, conducting research into optimizing the processing benefits of western Canadian grain, providing quality testing services and monitoring to ensure that Canadian grain exports meet the strictest international safety standards.

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Customer credit programs

The grain industry is no different than any other business. Some customers require credit. The CWB has two credit programs, one for customers with a sovereign guarantee and one for commercial customers. These are available to assist customers who purchase CWB grain on credit.

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Reliable supply

As the sole supplier of western Canadian wheat and barley, the CWB is well positioned to assure supply and guarantee execution of commitments to customers, whether through our ongoing business relations or under long-term supply agreements. We also work with Accredited exporters if the customer chooses.

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