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Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide


Seed requirement policy

Updated: Mar. 29, 2005


The objective of the CWB's Identity Preserved Contract Program (IPCP) is to determine, through market testing, the commercial potential of grain produced from selected varieties of wheat and barley and to meet established market requirements for identity preserved products. Grain contracted under an IPCP is segregated to achieve customer shipments that are 95 per cent pure to the variety or varieties intended.

In establishing a policy regarding pedigreed seed requirements for IPCP's, the CWB's objective is to meet the program's objectives in a way that ensures that the maximum value generated from its IPCP activities is returned to farmers. The CWB does not wish to impose contract requirements that are more onerous than necessary, particularly where they increase farmers' costs.

The CWB has established this policy to communicate to farmers and the seed industry as much information as possible regarding future program requirements to facilitate forward planning. This policy will be revisited as required to integrate new information and experience.

  1. The CWB will require the use of pedigreed seed for the first three years an IPCP is in existence for a newly registered variety.
  2. The CWB will discontinue the pedigreed seed requirement for programs older than three years. Farmers are asked to employ whatever management techniques they deem necessary to meet the 95 per cent varietal purity IPCP contract requirement. This may include the use of saved seed.
  3. The CWB will require the use of pedigreed seed for closed loop programs for their duration. This is a standard control mechanism to ensure that production is not delivered outside of the closed loop system, thereby compromising the quality or purity of other shipments.
  4. The CWB will evaluate the pedigreed seed requirement on a case by case basis if information comes to light that has some bearing on specific program requirements.

For more information contact:
Andrea Hilderman
Product Development and Market Support
Telephone: (204) 983-3509