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Canadian Wheat Board

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Weather highlights

World crop and weather highlights

Below are links to National Weather Service world climate maps courtesy of the NWS Climate Prediction Center. Clicking on a link will open a map in a new window.

Last updated: November 5, 2007

Western Canada
Above normal temperatures, with little or no precipitation helped boost fall fieldwork across the Prairies. Temperatures were 1 to 3 degrees Celsius above normal, with daily high’s reaching the low teens in parts of the southern Prairies. The dry conditions also helped farmers in the northern regions of Alberta complete the 2007 harvest. The warm temperatures also boosted the development of winter wheat crops. The only concern about the dry conditions last week was that there was no improvement in soil moisture conditions in the southern parts of Saskatchewan and Alberta. These areas need above normal rain/snowfall before spring to improve soil moisture reserves.

United States
Dry conditions prevailed across the continental U.S. last week. Temperatures remained above normal in the Northern Plains and western Cornbelt, while the eastern Cornbelt experienced below normal temperatures. The Southern Plains received normal to above normal temperatures. The dry weather boosted the corn harvest last week and harvest progress remains ahead of normal. The soybean harvest, which is now ahead of normal progress, also advanced quickly last week and is now nearing completion. SRW planting and emergence is well ahead of normal, but HRW planting and emergence remains slightly behind normal, due to poor soil moisture conditions. HRW planting is nearing completion and rain is needed to improve germination and establishment in western Kansas, eastern Colorado, and the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles.

Light to moderate rain (10-25 mm) fell on Cordoba, Santa Fe, and Buenos Aires last week, while northern Santa Fe received 25 to 50+mm. Temperatures were mainly normal across the main growing regions of the country last week. Daily high’s were in the mid to upper twenties. The wet conditions will slow the harvest in the northern areas. Dry conditions are needed to maintain good crop conditions prior to harvest. Soil moisture is adequate to maintain the crop until harvest. Corn planting will have experienced some delays with the rain, but progress remains ahead of last year at this time.

Moderate to heavy rains (25-100+ mm) fell over Parana, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul last week, with the main wheat growing region of Rio Grande do Sul receiving the heaviest amounts (100+mm). Parts of the main soybean regions (Mato Grasso and Mato Grasso do Sul) received light to moderate rains (10 25+mm), while some regions remained dry. Temperatures were above normal last week in Parana and the central soybean regions, while Rio Grande do Sul had normal temperatures. Daily high’s were in the upper-twenties/low-thirties in Rio Grande do Sul, while the other regions had high’s in the low to mid-thirties. The heavy rains in Rio Grande do Sul will cause quality concerns in unharvested wheat. Dry conditions are needed to allow harvest to resume. More rain is needed in Mato Grasso and Mato Grasso do Sul to relieve dry conditions for soybean germination.

Light to moderate rain (5-25+ mm) fell in over large areas of South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, and southern Western Australia last week. The heaviest amounts were reported in northern New South Wales and southern Queensland, with South Australia and Western Australia remaining the driest. Above normal temperatures continued in Queensland and New South Wales, while South Australia and Western Australia had below normal temperatures. Daily high’s were in upper-teens to low-twenties in the southern portion of Western Australia and South Australia, while Queensland and northern New South Wales had high’s in the upper twenties to low-thirties. Harvest delays occurred in most regions last week due to the rains, with concerns about further quality damage increasing in southern Queensland and northern NSW. Dry weather would be welcomed now for the winter crops. The rain will benefit the summer sorghum crop.

Western Europe
Northern and western Germany, along with Belgium and northern France received light to moderate rainfall (10-25+mm) last week. Mostly dry weather prevailed across the rest of Western Europe. Northern Germany, the UK, and Scandinavia experienced above normal temperatures, while southern Germany and northern France had normal temperatures. Southern France experienced below normal temperatures. Daily high’s were 5 to 10 degrees Celsius in the northern regions and 10 to 15 degrees Celsius in the UK and the southern France. Daily low’s fell below freezing in southern Germany and Southern France.

In Southern Europe, Spain remained mostly dry last week, while Italy received light to moderate precipitation (10-25+mm). Temperatures were mostly normal in Spain, with daily high’s in the upper teen to low twenties, while Italy had high’s in the mid to upper-teens. More rain would be welcomed to aid in winter crop establishment and soil moisture replenishment.

Eastern Europe
Southeastern Europe received light to moderate precipitation (10-50+ mm) last week, with the heaviest amounts falling in the former Yugoslavia. The northern half of Eastern Europe remained mostly dry. The majority of Eastern Europe had slightly above normal temperatures last week, with deviations of 1 to 3 degrees Celsius above normal. Daily high temperatures ranged from the mid to upper teens in the south to low teens in the northern areas. Low temperatures were below freezing in Poland, the Czech and Slovak Republics, and Romania. The above normal temperatures and rains in the south will benefit winter crop establishment. Corn harvest is nearing completion.

Parts of Southern Russia received moderate rainfall (10-50+ mm) last week, while the remainder of western Russia was dry. Temperatures were 1 to 5 degrees Celsius above normal across western Russia. Daily high temperatures were in the low to mid teens in Central and Volga Districts and mid to upper teens in the Southern District. Rains improved conditions for winter crop growth and establishment in areas, but more rain would be welcomed to further improve conditions for winter crop establishment. In the New Lands and Siberian regions, light (10-25 mm) rainfall was reported in areas of Siberia, while the Urals remained dry last week. Temperatures were above normal across the region. Daily high’s ranged between 5 and 15 degrees Celsius last week. Harvest is essentially complete in the New Lands region so the scattered rains will help replenish soil moisture for next spring.

Light to moderate rain (10-25 mm) fell in southern Ukraine last week, while the rest of the country remained dry. Temperatures were 1 to 5 degrees Celsius above normal in the eastern half of the country and 1 to 3 degrees above normal in the west. Daily high’s were between 10 to 15 degrees Celsius across the country. Daily low’s dipped just below freezing in the far western edge of the country. Winter crop planting is now complete. The rainfall in the south would aid winter crop establishment, but more rain is needed in the south and east to improve the crop prior to winter.

Kazakhstan remained mostly dry last week, with the exception of some scattered light showers in the northeast. Temperatures were 1 to 5 degrees Celsius above normal across the country. Daily maximum temperatures ranged between 5 and 15 degrees Celsius, with low’s between 0 and -10 degrees Celsius. Harvest is finished in northern Kazakhstan.

Mainly dry conditions prevailed across China again last week. Temperatures were cooler than normal across most of China, with deviations 1 to 3 degrees Celsius below normal. Daily high’s ranged between 5 to 15 degrees Celsius in the north to the upper teens to low twenties in the North China Plain. The dry weather aided the winter wheat planting in the North China Plain, however, cooler temperatures slowed early growth and development. Conditions are generally favourable for winter wheat planting and germination.

Dry conditions prevailed across the main wheat growing regions of the country last week. Temperatures were mainly normal in the wheat growing area, with some above normal temperatures in parts of Rajasthan and Punjab. High temperatures were between the low to mid thirties. Dry conditions prevailed in Pakistan as well, with slightly above normal temperatures reported.

South Africa
Light to moderate (10-25+ mm) precipitation fell over much of the corn area in the central regions last week, with the exception of the northern Free State which remained mostly dry. Temperatures were mainly normal in the main grain growing regions. Daily high’s were in the upper-twenties to low thirties last week. Rains and adequate soil moisture continue to provide favourable conditions for corn planting and germination.

North Africa
Light to moderate rain (10-50+ mm) fell in northern Algeria, northern Tunisia, and northern Morocco last week, with locally heavy rainfall in north central Algeria. Temperatures were below normal in Algeria and parts of Tunisia, while Morocco experienced mainly normal temperatures. The rainfall will help replenish soil moisture in preparation for the planting season. Southwest Morocco has not received the beneficial rains it needs to help replenish soil moisture in that region prior to planting. The rains and cooler temperatures in Algeria and Tunisia should boost planting progress in those regions, but conditions remain too dry in Morocco for widespread sowing.

Dry conditions continued across the main grain growing regions of Iran last week, with only patchy rain (10+ mm) falling in the northwestern growing areas. Temperatures remained above normal across the main cereal crop regions. Daily high’s ranged between the low-twenties to upper-twenties. Daily low temperatures dropped below 0 degrees Celsius in the north. More rain is needed soon to improve soil moisture for planting and establishment.

Temperatures were 1 to 3 degrees Celsius above normal across Syria last week, with daily high’s in the mid to upper-twenties. Northwestern Syria received 10+mm of precipitation last week. The rainfall will begin to replenish soil moisture levels in preparation for planting, but more is needed to improve conditions for establishment.

Turkey received light to moderate (10-50+ mm) precipitation across the northern coastal region, along with some patchy light rains in the central regions. Temperatures in Turkey were above normal (1-5°C above normal), with the exception of the northeast corner where normal temperatures occurred. Daily high’s ranged between the upper teens in the northern and central regions to the mid to upper twenties in the western and southern areas. Planting is underway in Turkey in the areas with adequate soil moisture, but conditions in central Turkey remain unfavourably dry for planting and emergence. More rain is needed across Turkey to improve soil moisture for planting and emergence.

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