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Deep River Photo Gallery
More about the area......

Deep River and Area Chamber of Commerce

Deep River

and Area

Arts Council

The Deep River Area in eastern Ontario boasts the best of several worlds; a dynamic high technology business sector, attractive communities, convenient access to nearby population centres and unrivaled natural beauty. 

The Deep River area occupies a strategic location mid-way between resource-rich northern Ontario and the population centres of Ottawa and Montreal (Eastern Ontario Map). The district has long been identified as one of North America's leading centres for research and development in the application of nuclear technology at AECL Chalk River. As a growing number of new businesses are discovering, the area offers a unique blend of high-tech enterprise, high quality schools, excellent community services, safe and friendly neighbourhoods, natural surroundings and leisurely lifestyles.

More about the area......

... A guide to walking in the beautiful Ottawa Valley.


Mayor Ann Aikens presents a gift to Fire Chief Jim Hogue in recognition of 25 years service with the Corporation of the Town of Deep River.


Deputy Mayor Glenn Doncaster presents a photo of Pine Point Beach to

Public Works Employee John Alessio, in recognition of 15 years of service with the Corporation of the Town of Deep River

Christmas Holiday Recreation Schedules

Town Hall Christmas Hours


Click here to see photos of

our new Water Treatment Plant



2006 Deep River Police Survey Results

Thank you to everyone who completed the survey. Your time and comments are very much appreciated.

The Deep River Police Services Board


By-law 34-2006

Pesticide Use within the

Town of Deep River


2006 Recycling Schedule and Map


Copyright © 2006 Corporation of the Town of Deep River