National Framework for Action to Reduce the Harms Associated with Alcohol, Other Drugs and Substances in Canada

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National Alcohol Strategy Working Group
National Framework for Action to Reduce the Harms Associated with Alcohol and Other Drugs and Substances in Canada
April 2007

The National Framework for Action to Reduce the Harms Associated with Alcohol and Other Drugs and Substances in Canada responds to calls issued by Canadians, their governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) for a more coordinated approach to meeting the challenges and harms associated with alcohol and other drugs and substances.

Developed collaboratively by representatives from governments, enforcement agencies, Aboriginal service providers, NGOs, academia, the medical community, and others involved with problematic substance use issues, the Framework is the culmination of two years of Canada-wide consultations led by the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA) and Health Canada.
The National Framework for Action to Reduce the Harms Associated with Alcohol and Other Drugs and Substances in Canada sets out the partners' shared vision, principles, goals, and priorities for action.

CCSA, Health Canada and other Framework partners are now seeking formal endorsement of the Framework by their ministers, boards and governing bodies. A number of organizations have already endorsed the Framework, including CCSA, the Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (AADAC), the Canadian Executive Council on Addictions (CECA), MADD Canada, the Correctional Investigator of Canada, the City of Fredericton and the Canadian Association of Principals, to name a few.

CCSA and Health Canada are continuing to act as an informal secretariat, promoting the endorsement process and application of the Framework, facilitating thematic workshops and action on priorities, and disseminating relevant information. A longer-term governance model for the Framework will be discussed at a Second National Framework Forum (time and date to be determined).

The National Framework website http://www.nationalframework-cadrenational.ca/ provides background documents, information on priorities and thematic workshops as well as regular progress reports and updates on activities. The site also provides contact information for the Secretariat, a "What's New?" section and an Event/Conference Calendar.

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