2004 Canadian Addiction Survey (CAS)

The Canadian Addiction Survey (CAS) is the first national prevalence survey dedicated to alcohol, cannabis and other drug use since 1994.

On this page

  • CAS Errata
  • Background
  • Key Findings
  • National Reports
  • Provincial Reports
  • Technical Documents
  • Partnerships
  • Download

    CAS Detailed Report [PDF]
    (updated with errata)

    CAS Report Highlights [PDF]
    (updated with errata)

    CAS Errata (August 2007)

    The 2004 Canadian Addiction Survey (CAS), published as CAS Highlights (November, 2004), CAS Detailed Report (March, 2005), and CAS Microdata eGuide (June, 2005), included a brief six-item screener to measure problematic drug use. The screener, the ASSIST, was developed by the World Health Organization. 

    An error was recently found in one symptom (represented by two items: CNAS5 and ASSIS5) of the ASSIST scale. Properly stated, the question is "Have you ever tried [AND FAILED] to control, cut down or stop using cannabis, marijuana or hashish {or other drugs}. The phrase "and failed" was not asked of respondents. This error, in turn, affects the following derived variables: ASISTCAN, ASISTCN3, ASISTCN2, ASISTIL and ASISTIL3. 

    NOTE: A small study to assess the impact of the missing "and failed" phrase suggested that estimates with the missing phrase underestimate the standard ASSIST item, but total scores and their cutoffs do not differ significantly between the two versions. This error should not affect estimates of subgroup differences (i.e., sex, age and regional differences). Caution and warning should be used in making direct comparisons with other studies using the ASSIST. For reference to specific places in each of the three documents that were affected by the error, please go to Errata: CAS Highlights, Errata: CAS Detailed Report, and Errata: CAS Microdata eGuide.


    The CAS is the first national survey dedicated to alcohol, cannabis and other drug use since 1994. It is one of the most detailed and extensive surveys of its kind ever conducted in Canada.


    The CAS provides a detailed picture of how Canadians aged 15 years and older use alcohol, cannabis and other drugs, and the impact that use has on their physical, mental and social well-being. The survey also questions Canadians about their attitudes toward measures to control drug use, and on their beliefs about the availability of drugs and the risks associated with use.

    This information, when compared with past studies, indicates trends in drug use and harms associated with use. Researchers, addiction specialists and policy-makers can use this information to determine where financial and human resources are most needed.

    A total of 13,909 Canadians participated in the CAS, with a minimum of 1,000 in each province.
    Current plans are to repeat the CAS in the future.

    Key Findings

    Alcohol use:
    • Nearly 80% of Canadians aged 15 years and older drink, but most drink in moderation and without harm.

    • 17% of past-year drinkers are considered high-risk drinkers according to the World Health Organization's Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT).

    • High-risk drinkers are predominantly males and those under the age of 25.

    Cannabis and other drug use:

    • 14% of Canadians reported using cannabis in the past year, nearly double the rate reported in 19(7.4%); however, almost 46% of these people had not used cannabis or had used it only once or twice in the three months preceding the survey.

    • 30% of 15-17 year olds and just over 47% of 18-19 year olds reported having used cannabis in the past year.

    •  Although about 1 in 6 Canadians has used an illicit drug other than cannabis in their lifetime, few have used these drugs during the past year. Past-year rates are generally 1% or less.
    •  Both lifetime and past-year use of illicit substances other than cannabis is highest among men and those aged 18-24.

    National Reports

    CAS Detailed Report [PDF]
    (updated with errata)

    Detailed findings from the Canadian Addiction Survey

    CCSA on behalf of the CAS partnership March 2005
    CAS Report Highlights [PDF]
    (updated with errata)
    Highlights report from the Canadian Addiction Survey CCSA on behalf of the CAS partnership November 2004
    Driving Under the Influence of Cannabis [PDF]
    (updated with errata)
    This paper provides contemporary evidence of the prevalence of driving after using cannabis in Canada and describes the characteristics of those who engage in the behaviour.


    Risks Associated with Tobacco Use in Youth Aged 15-19 [PDF] This report examines the prevalence and correlates of
    tobacco use among youth aged 15-19 using data from CAS.



    Toward a Policy-Relevant Typology of Cannabis Use in Canada [PDF]
    (updated with errata)

    This paper conducts preliminary analyses and makes recommendations to facilitate the development of a more discerning and useful approach to interpreting and responding to cannabis use in Canada.


    March 2006

    Provincial Reports

    Northwest Territories Addiction Survey [PDF] Provincial prevalence data for alcohol and other drugs


    January 2006
    Canadian Addiction Survey 2004, Alberta Report: Detailed Report [PDF] Detailed provincial prevalence data for alcohol and other drugs Alberta January 2006
    Yukon Addictions Survey (YAS): Preliminary Results 2005: A Survey of Yukoners' Use of Alcohol and Other Drugs [PDF] Preliminary provincial prevalence data for alcohol and other drugs Yukon June 2005
    Patterns of Risky Alcohol Use in British Columbia - Results of the 2004 Canadian Addiction Survey [PDF] In-depth provincial data on alcohol consumption patterns British Columbia December 2005

    Technical Documents

    CAS Microdata eGuide [PDF]
    (updated with errata)
    Overview on sample design; data collection and quality; weighting and analysis; limitations June 7, 2005
    Request for Access Form and Licence Agreement [Word document] Access information and procedure for CAS microdata files June 2005
    CAS Survey Instrument [PDF] Questionnaire used for data collection  December 2003


    The Canadian Addiction Survey is a collaborative initiative sponsored by Health Canada, the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA) and the Canadian Executive Council on Addictions (CECA) which includes:

    The Centre for Addictions Research of BC (CAR-BC) and the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and British Columbia also collaborated on the Canadian Addiction Survey.

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