Calendar of Events

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Society for the Study of Addiction Annual Symposium

November 15-16, 2007  
There are two main themes being addressed at the symposium in both the poster and presentations sessions: Theory, practice and treatment in addictions: how are they related?; What are the new developments in addictions treatment? Other topics include but will not be limited to: implications of the social exclusion agenda for treatment populations; treating alcohol & tobacco addiction together.  

Park Inn Hotel North Street, York, United Kingdom

Graham Hunt, SSA Administrator

Website: http://www.addiction-ssa.org/ssa_10.htm
E-mail: graham.hunt@leedsmh.nhs.uk
Fax: +44 (0)113 295 2787

Colloque Tabac, alcool, drogues, jeux de hasard et d'argent. -À l'heure de l'intégration des pratiques

November 23, 2007  
Ce colloque prends place dans le cadre des Journées Annuelles de Santé Publique, à Montréal. Thomas F. BABOR, (Ph. D., M.P.H.) prononcera une conférence dans le cadre de la CONFÉRENCE PLÉNIÈRE. La consommation de tabac, d'alcool et de drogues ainsi que la pratique des jeux de hasard et d'argent constituent des facteurs de risque de multiples problèmes sociaux et de santé. L'usage et l'abus de ces produits et la dépendance qu'ils peuvent engendrer sont des sujets complexes qui préoccupent la population. Jusqu'à maintenant, les approches de prévention de l'une ou de l'autre de ces problématiques se sont développées et réalisées presque exclusivement en parallèle. Cependant, des études récentes démontrent la fréquente concomitance de ces différentes formes de consommation. Les présentations et discussions de cette journée thématique sont l'occasion de tracer un portrait de chacun de ces phénomènes de consommation, de comprendre la concomitance entre eux et d'analyser les pratiques de prévention. Cela permettra aux professionnels qui travaillent en prévention et en promotion de la santé de tirer des leçons utiles et d'explorer la manière de mieux intégrer les actions préventives dans la planification des interventions de santé publique.  

Hôtel Fairmont Le Reine Elizabeth 900, boul. René-Lévesque Ouest, Montréal , près de la station de métro Bonaventure et de la Gare centrale de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada, H3B 4A5

Elisabeth papineau

Website: http://www.inspq.qc.ca/jasp/inscription/default.asp?A=4
E-mail: isabelle.gignac@inspq.qc.ca

Tel: 514-864-1600, poste 3738  Fax: 514-864-5180

National Drug and Addictions Awareness Week (NAAW/DAW)

November 18-24, 2007
Drug Awareness Week (DAW) began as a grassroots initiative in the early 1980s, and was officially recognized as National Drug Awareness Week in 1987 by the minister of Health and Welfare at the time -- the same year that Canada's first national drug strategy was launched. It was also during the late 1980s that Alberta's Nechi Institute began to host the very successful National Addictions Awareness Week (NAAW). Although primarily an Aboriginal initiative, it quickly caught on with non-Aboriginal communities as well. Find out more about plans for NAAW 2007 at http://www.naaw.net/.  

Various locations across the country

Website:   http://www.naaw.net/  

Formation continue - Focus sur le TDAH adulte, comprendre pour mieux agir

Thursday, November 22nd, 2007 (5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
La Fondation du Centre de réadaptation Ubald-Villeneuve et la Fondation du Centre psychopédagogique de Québec sont heureux de présenter « Focus sur le TDAH adulte - comprendre pour mieux agir ! » une formation continue sur le trouble du déficit d'attention avec hyperactivité chez l'adulte, le mercredi 22 novembre prochain, à la salle du Cercle, de l'Université Laval de Québec. Dans le cadre de la Semaine nationale de prévention de la toxicomanie, médecins, pharmaciens, infirmiers (ères) scolaires et en toxicomanie et intervenants sociaux sont cordialement invités à entendre les docteurs Annick Vincent et Jacques Dumont quant au caractère inné du TDAH, à son traitement et à ses effets sur la vie des patients. La première partie de la formation sera offerte par la psychiatre Annick Vincent, auteure de Mon cerveau a besoin de lunettes, un ouvrage sur le TDAH, qui fera une mise à niveau de la pathologie, outillera les spécialistes quant à son diagnostic et à sa médication. En deuxième partie, Jacques Dumont, médecin omnipraticien, vous présentera le traitement intégré du TDAH chez l'adulte, traité à la méthadone, un projet pilote du Centre de réadaptation Ubald-Villeneuve.  

Université Laval, Québec Cité universitaire, Québec, Canada, Canada, G1K 7P4

Alain Trudel

E-mail: alain.trudel@ssss.gouv.qc.ca
Tel: (418) 663-5008 poste 4957  

2e Forum national de recherche sur la santé

November 22-24, 2007
Forum se veut une occasion de définir et d'approfondir une vision stratégique de la recherche et du transfert de connaissances pour les années à venir. Thématique principales : déterminants de la santé, gouvernance/gestion/prestation des services de santé, langue/culture/santé.
Date limite pour appels de communications : 30 mars 2007  

Hôtel Crowne Plaza 101, rue Lyon, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1R 5T9

Denise Lemire

Website: http://www.documentsetc.ca/CNFSFORUM/
E-mail: CFNSforum@documentsetc.ca
Tel: 613-749-5975  Fax: 613-745-8753

Issues of Substance (IOS) 2007

November 25-27, 2007
Canada's premier national conference on alcohol and other drugs and substances will focus on "Shaping the Future" and will strive to bridge the "research-to-practice gap", providing participants with information, resources and strategies designed to help them translate important new evidence and promising practices into drug strategies, program enhancements and improved treatment outcomes. At the same time, there will be a strong emphasis on helping to invigorate the workforce, build capacity and stimulate ongoing collaboration.

The complete Issues of Substance (IOS) conference program will unfold over three days and will feature highly relevant and internationally-recognized keynote and plenary speakers as well as over 55 different sessions. The IOS Program Committee is now seeking abstracts for individual, session and poster presentations to be part of the concurrent sessions.

IOS conference organizers are also seeking organizations interested in being a Conference Partner or Exhibitor. Information about these opportunities can be found on the conference website at http://www.issuesofsubstance.ca/.

Shaw Conference Centre, 9797 Jasper Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Brooke Bryce

Website: http://www.issuesofsubstance.ca/IOS/EN/Home.htm
E-mail: bbryce@ccsa.ca
Tel: 613-235-4048 ext 243  Fax: 613-235-8101

2007 International Drug Policy Reform Conference

December 5-8, 2007

The International Drug Policy Reform Conference is the world's principal gathering of people who believe the war on drugs is doing more harm than good. No better opportunity exists to learn about drug policy and to strategize and mobilize for reform.  
Astor Crowne Plaza, New Orleans, Louisiana

Contact: Kesselman-Jones, Inc.

Website: http://kessjones.com/conf07/
E-mail: DPA@KessJones.com
Tel: (866) 219-4582  Fax: (505) 266- 3461

2008 International Gambling Conference - Looking Forward: New Directions in Research and Minimising Public Harm

February 21-23, 2008
Hosted by Auckland University of Technology Gambling Research Centre and the Problem Gambling Foundation of New Zealand. Gambling remains a major growth industry globally - expanding into new markets, changing and evolving in diverse ways. The costs and benefits of this growth are multiple, complex and difficult to assess. They operate at different levels and are subject to intense political, community and academic debate. This Conference will examine new and emerging gambling technologies - along with their various impacts and consequences. It will consider measures to prevent and reduce harm associated with gambling. Such measures include government policy and regulation, industry practice, public education, community engagement and advocacy, prevention, early and brief interventions, treatment and rehabilitation. We particularly welcome presentations that focus on innovative practice in any of these areas and research relevant to the enhancement of gambling policy and professional practice.  

Crowne Plaza Hotel Albert St, Auckland, New Zealand

Dr Maria Bellringer

Website: http://www.aut.ac.nz/about/news_and_information/conferences/gambling_and_problem_gambling_in_new_zealand/
E-mail: maria.bellringer@aut.ac.nz
Tel: +64 9 921 9999 ext 7232  Fax: +64 9 921 9877

Cracked but not Broken

April 18-20, 2008 
Shaping new knowledge into treatment for amphetamine and crack dependent adolescents and young adults  

Life Sciences Building, UBC 2350 Health Sciences Mall, UBC, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6T 1Z3

Annette Cooper

Website: http://www.cheos.ubc.ca/
E-mail: acooper@mail.cheos.ubc.ca
Tel:  604.682.2344 ext 62988  Fax: 604.806.8210

EUROPAD 8 Conference

May 29-31, 2008
EUROPAD is the European society for professionals interested in the development of effective opiate addiction treatment in Europe and elsewhere  


Kempinski Hotel 100 James Bourchier Blvd, Sofia, Bulgaria

Dr Marilena Guareschi

Website: http://www.europad.org/europad2008.asp
E-mail: aucns@libero.it
Tel: +39 (0)584 790073  Fax: +39 (0)584 72081

Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference

June 8-11, 2008
This is the pre-eminent multi-disciplinary traffic safety conference in Canada and attracts researchers and practitioners from across the country and around the world. By participating in CMRSC-XVIII you will be aware of up-to-the-minute road safety research and programmes, and thus be able to more readily respond to issues in your own jurisdiction.  

Whistler, British Columbia

Mavis Johnson

Website: http://www.cmrsc.ca/
E-mail: cmrsc18@magma.ca
Tel: 604-787-3240

A Climate For Change: An International Summit on Addiction

July 10-12, 2008  

A Climate for Change' is a 2-day summit, with post-summit professional development workshops, that will inform, enliven and expand your understanding of addiction. We have gathered some of the world's leading experts in the field -- who have brought cutting-edge theory, science, and practice to bear on the devastating problem of addiction -- and gathered them together. The people that changed the way we think about addiction.All in one place. For one seminal event. Plenary addresses, in-depth workshops, interactive presentations and panel discussions. With post-summit workshops featuring David Hodgins, William Miller, Theresa Moyers, and Allan Zuckoff. Counsellor, psychologist, psychiatrist, academic, social worker, mental health professional, policy maker, corrections worker...this is the event for you.  

Melbourne, Australia Sofitel Melbourne, 25 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 3000

Dr Joel Porter

Website: http://www.pacificcmc.com/
E-mail: summit@pacificcmc.com
Tel: +64 275721115  Fax: +61 7 40916491

Premier colloque francophone sur le traitement de la dépendance aux opioides

October 22-24, 2008 
Premier colloque francophone sur les traitements de substitution aux opioïdes. Partant du constat que les grands questionnements relatifs aux traitements de substitution, ayant cours dans la plupart des pays francophones, présentent de nombreuses similitudes et que les stratégies thérapeutiques adoptées en la matière présentent, quant à elles, de nombreuses différences, nous avons souhaité, dans le cadre de la septième édition de cet événement, organiser une rencontre entre les différents professionnels francophones désireux d'échanger sur leurs pratiques, et ce, dans le but de favoriser le transfert réciproque de connaissances et d'expertises.  


Centre Mont-Royal , Montréal, Québec, Canada

Éric Fabrès

Website: http://www.txsubstitution.info/default.aspx?page=121
E-mail: info@txsubstitution.info
Tel: 418-423-4157  Fax: 514-284-6868

Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse
75 Albert Street  Suite 300 Ottawa, ON  Canada K1P 5E7
T: (613) 235-4048  F: (613) 235-8101 Contact us
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