The Human Rights Commission was established in 1971 pursuant to the Human Rights Code. The Commission is mandated to promote an understanding of and acceptance of and compliance with the provisions of the Act.  The purposes of the Act are to protect individuals from discrimination and harassment and promote equality of opportunity. It applies to provincial government departments and agencies, and private businesses. Complaints of discrimination and harassment may be made based on race, religion, religious creed, sex, marital status, physical disability, mental disability, political opinion, colour, or ethnic, national or social origin, sexual orientation and age (19-65). The Act also provides for complaints because of sexual solicitation and because of different pay for females who are performing similar work to males in the same establishment.

Follow these links to find out more about the Commission

Functions of the Commission

The Human Rights Code

Frequently Asked Questions


Press Releases


Useful Links

Contact Information

Commissioners and Adjudicators