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You Can make a Difference!




Why Give?

Choose Your Donation Option

Other Ways to Support CRRF









You Can make a Difference!

Established as part of the Japanese Canadian Redress Agreement the Canadian Race Relations Foundation works at the forefront of efforts to combat racism and all forms of racial discrimination in Canada. It is a crown corporation with registered charitable status which operates on donations and income derived from a one-time endowment.

The income from the endowment has diminished considerably over the past few years, which makes our need to fundraise extremely important. The CRRF focuses on eliminating racism against minorities and Aboriginal peoples, with a particular emphasis on systemic discrimination in education and employment.

Large or small, all gifts contribute to the quality of research, publications, education and training and initiatives against racism program.


Why Give?

A donation to the Canadian Race Relations Foundation helps support important initiatives to eliminate racism in Canada. We need the support of the community in order to provide important programs focused on eliminating racism in Canada.

All gifts of $10 or more will be acknowledged with a letter and tax receipt.


Choose Your Donation Option

  • A General Donation
    Make a donation to support the fight against racism.
  • Tribute - In Honour
     Make a donation to honour someone who is celebrating a special occasion (such as a wedding anniversary, birthday, or bar/bat mitzvah). You will receive a tax receipt for your generous gift and we will send a card with a message to the person(s) being honoured.
  • Tribute - In Memory
    Make a donation in memory of someone who has passed away. You will receive a tax receipt for your generous gift, and we will send a card acknowledging your thoughtful gift to the person's family.


Other Ways to Support CRRF


  • Gift or Estate Planning

Supporting the future with a gift today. Gift planning is a creative, personal approach to charitable giving. And you don't have to be rich to do it. A planned gift enables you to create a permanent legacy in a way that is:

    • Tailored to your needs and those of your family
    • Customized to your individual financial situation
    • Usually made from assets, not current income
    • A very tax-effective way of giving


  • Establishing A Named Fund

Using current or future gifts, you can establish a named fund at the CRRF in support of a specific program or service within the organization. Established funds honour a donor, a family or a love one, and may represent a personal story of courage and spirit - overcoming racism. They are living tributes to special people and families that fight racism.


  • Host A Special Event

Have fun and do your part in the fight against racism. It's easy with the support you will receive from CRRF. Your event idea can be as creative or simple as you want.

If you or your group are interested in hosting an event in support of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, please contact the Foundation by calling (416) 952-3500 or via e-mail at:

If you'd like to mail your donation, please send it to:

Canadian Race Relations Foundation
4576 Yonge Street, Suite 701
Toronto, ON  M2N 6N4
Attn: Fundraising Department



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