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Contract Research Program


The CRRF has been working towards creating a body of research that addresses systemic racism in Canada. Our goal is to ensure the research findings and recommendations are nationally actionable.

We issue a national Request for Proposals (RFP) every two years, inviting community-based organizations, activists, scholars and students and anti-racism practitioners working in the area of anti-racism in Canada to submit proposals to undertake participatory action research (PAR). This research adds to the CRRF's ever increasing body of knowledge that has a strong focus on combating racism in Canada. 

Academic researchers are encouraged to work with community-based organizations, and vice versa, to undertake cutting-edge research with the objective of gaining from the benefits of both levels of expertise.

The CRRF will support projects that demonstrate strong policy and program relevance that:

  • make a unique, value-added contribution to current policy debates and program approaches raising public awareness about, and in combating, racism in Canada;
  • have strong linkages to current issues and will have an impact on policies and practices in the Foundation's designated areas of focus which are: racism and racial discrimination, racial profiling, the collection of race-based data and the integration of race and anti-racism in education and training and the development of a National Anti-Racism Policy.
  • Demonstrate National Relevance
  • address issues of national and /or regional relevance that have direct implications for the elimination of racism in Canada.
  • Clearly contribute to the Advancement of Equity
  • strive to focus on advancing concrete strategies and demonstrate the impact of these strategies in advancing equity for all Canadians, particularly those from racialized groups and Aboriginal peoples.

Research Advisory Panel

The Foundation's Contract Research Program is guided by an expert Research Advisory Panel (RAP) which conducts a peer review process that includes:

  • assessing eligible research projects;
  • selecting those that will be recommended to the CRRF Board of Directors for funding approval;
  • assessing each final research report and providing recommendations for changes;
  • recommending various platforms for announcing research results;
  • advising the CRRF on the "publishability" of the report; and
  • recommending distribution strategies.



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