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Safe, Healthy Workplace

At AECL we believe safety is everyone’s responsibility. We think and act "safety" because it makes good business sense. It also helps us ensure our own well-being and that of our families, colleagues and the people in communities where we live and work.

In April 2005, AECL’s CEO, Robert Van Adel, signed the CEO Health and Safety Charter. The Charter, established by Duncan Hawthorne, President and Chief Executive Officer of Bruce Power, is championing a Canada-wide initiative to achieve a breakthrough in health and safety. He has been joined by over 50 CEOs, including some of the country’s most influential leaders.

It is based on the principle that effectively managing health, safety and wellness is essential for a business to succeed. By signing the Charter, CEOs and by extension their companies, commit to:

  • Scenic02Subscribe to a principle that nothing is more important than the health, safety and well being of employees, contractors, visitors and the surrounding community.
  • Integrate health and safety into business strategies, processes and performance measures, and to recognize that good health and safety performance supports good business results.
  • Effectively manage health and safety risks by eliminating, minimizing or controlling hazards.
  • Strive for continuous health and safety improvement and to provide the leadership and internal capacity to make this happen.
  • Provide an environment that enables all employees to participate and work collaboratively in developing, promoting, and improving health and safety at work.
  • Extend health and safety efforts beyond the workplace, recognizing and supporting related initiatives within the community.
  • Participate within a CEO health and safety leadership learning community, by providing and receiving information and best practices, with the goal of continuously improving health and safety strategies, programming and performance.
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Safety Performance
The safety of our employees is a core AECL value. View our 2006-2007 safety record.