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Nuclear energy is the future

Pembroke Daily Observer
Éditorial - Samedi, le 5 août 2006

Disponible en anglais seulement.


Thank you for the positive editorial in the Pembroke Daily Observer, regarding the need for nuclear energy as part of our electricity generation mix in Ontario.

The nuclear reactors here in Ontario, all of Canadian design and manufacture, have been providing part of our electricity for 44 years.

In 2005, they produced 51 per cent of Ontario's electricity, and the restoration of four reactors has helped return Ontario to being a net exporter of electricity.

The present heat wave and new electricity consumption record emphasizes the need we have for a robust electrical system.

We will have to invest large sums to improve, refurbish and build new generation systems - nuclear, hydro, wind and fossil - and to improve the distribution system.

We also need to learn to use our electricity (and other resources) more efficiently, with an eye to our future and that of our descendants.

Finally, I'd like to applaud the efforts of the unsung men and women of Ontario's electrical systems.

They restore power lines after storms, maintain our fleet of generation systems, keep the production in balance with our fluctuating demand for electricity, and perform a multitude of other tasks to provide us with electricity at the flick of a switch.

And, although we may bemoan our monthly bills, electricity remains remarkably cheap.

Sincerely Morgan Brown, P.Eng. Deep River

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