International Relations

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Presents issues affecting Canada-United States relations including Canadian government services (passport, consular/emergency services, visas and immigration), doing business in the U.S., investing in Canada, border cooperation, tourism, environment, arts and more.
Online magazine reports on Aboriginal Canadian events taking place around the world and important international aboriginal events taking place in Canada. Articles, resource and business centres, news about international opportunities for Canadian Aboriginal people.
Series of television and radio clips trace the political response to acid rain from the time it was first reported in 1979 until the present day.;=584&IDLan;=1&I...;
Site for APF, an independent think tank on Canada's relations with Asia, has information, analyses, statistics and news about Canada's economic, political, social and institutional relations with Asia Pacific. Includes links to related sites.
Describes Canada's role in peace support operations and examines conflict cycle, peacekeeping, role of actors and stakeholders. Lists peacekeeping missions over the years and Canada's contribution. With links to related sites.
Explains Northern Dimension of Canada's Foreign Policy (NDFP) and discusses Canadian priorities in the circumpolar world: the Arctic Council, University of the Arctic, relations with Russia, economic development and increased cooperation with our circumpolar neighbours.
Site provides overview of Commonwealth, describes Canada's role, Commonwealth Secretariat programs, Commonwealth Games and other events. Lists Commonwealth countries and provides maps and quick facts for each.
Showcases Canada's contributions to the International Criminal Court and describes its structure, history and crucial mandate.
Information on Canadian policy and initiatives, refugee working group, missions, multilateral activities, meetings, speeches, and the children of Canada Camp.
Article traces history of Canada's economic and political relationships with Asian/Pacific region countries such as Japan, China, Korea, Hong Kong, and discusses the future of these connections.
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