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Ontario Veterinary College

Link to OVC LOGO Page The Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) is dedicated to the advancement of veterinary and comparative medicine through teaching, research and service. As the oldest veterinary college in Canada and the United States, OVC has been educating veterinarians since 1862. Our College's alumni span the globe, working in areas as diverse as clinical practice, food safety and ecosystem health.

Monday, December 18, 2006


    Campus News


    OVC Events

    Campus Events
Information For:
Bullet Bio-Medical Science Students 
Bullet Prospective DVM Students 
Bullet Current DVM Students 
Bullet Prospective Graduate Students 
Bullet Current Graduate Students 
Bullet Faculty & Staff 
Bullet Alumni 
Bullet Friends and Supporters 
Now Online:
Bullet Hospital Info. Management System
Bullet Phase 4 Handbook Cover Competition
Bullet Breeze Meetings & Presentation
Bullet Veterinarians without Borders
© Ontario Veterinary College | University of Guelph | Ontario, Canada | N1G 2W1 | Tel: (519) : 824 : 4120 x54401 Contact Us Directions