Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada
Canadian Human Rights Commission


Research Program

Join our network

Human Rights Research Program

If you wish to be on the Canadian Human Rights Commission list of researchers, please fill out this form. This list will be used to communicate with researchers regarding our research projects.

* indicates a mandatory field

Personal Information

#1  First Name*:
#2  Last Name*:
#3  Organization / Institution*:
#4  Job Title*:
#5  Education*
#6  Work Experience*

#7  Areas of Human Rights Research Interest*

Please select at least one area.

 Race, colour, national or ethnic origin
 Sexual orientation
 Marital status
 Family status
 Physical or mental disability
 Pardoned criminal conviction

#8  Research Reports / Publications - Please list any reports/publications you have contributed to, beginning with the most recent:

Contact Information

#9  Street and number*:
#10  City*:
#11  Province*:
#12  Postal Code*:
#13  Work Telephone Number and Extension:
#14  Home Telephone Number:

#15  Fax:

#16  E-Mail Address*:

# 17 Languages - Please check each that apply:


 Speak English
 Write English


 Speak French
 Write French


 Speak other language
 Write other language
17d.  Please specify other languages:
# 18  Please specify other interests/information: