
A girl in the Habile IDP outside Koukou Angarana, Chad. November, 2006

Updated: 20 December 2006

Chad: Conflict from Darfur slips over the border

Amnesty will make a difference. We will demand more than hollow words. We will continue to act to end the crisis in Darfur, and to halt its ugly advance into Chad and other countries ....

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Chad mission videos: Alex Neve in Djorlo | The plight of women | Names of the dead

19 December 2006

Human Rights for All: No Exceptions - A Human Rights Agenda for Canada

Canada has played an important role in both developing and strengthening the international human rights system and backed that up with important laws and institutions for the protection of human rights within Canada.

But there is more that Canada must do to ensure that when it comes to human rights protection, there are no exceptions.Amnesty International’s 2006 Human Rights Agenda for Canada lays out a range of vital recommendations for action by governments in Canada.

The Agenda draws attention to pressing human rights challenges in Canada and around the world where Canada can and should make a difference.  It is time for Canada to demonstrate that when it comes to human rights, there are no exceptions.

News Release | Read the Agenda

18 December 2006

"Words are not enough" : 2006 - the year in review

No exceptions: human rights for all,” – as 2006 draws to a close, the rallying cry of our current campaign speaks so well to what we have faced this past year, both the ups and the downs.  Because this year we have had glaring reminders of how often the exceptions prevail when it comes to human rights protection.  But also we have seen the powerful potential for activism to overcome those exceptions and reaffirm the universality of human rights.  These final few weeks have been particularly breathless on both fronts ...

Read Alex Neve's reflections on the successes and challenges of our human rights work in 2006

Alex's Chad mission diary

features archive

Amnesty = Activism

(move your cursor over an image to see a description of the Action opportunity below. Click on the image to go to the Action!)

Canada : Stolen Sisters - Help break the silence

Join Amnesty in a renewed effort to urge the Canadian government to establish a comprehensive and coordinated plan of action to stop violence against Indigenous women …

Canada: Give refugees the right to appeal - Support Bill C-280

The Canadian refugee system does not allow refugees to appeal a negative decision from the Immigration and Refugee Board. This could cost a refugee her life ...

Uganda : Child "night commuters"

30,000 children flee their homes every night to find sanctuary in urban areas or Internally Displaced Peoples camps, in a desparate attempt to escape attacks or abduction ...

Canada : Helping prevent torture through the inspection of detention centres

It’s time for Canada to act without further delay to ratify the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention against Torture and other forms of Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT)....

India : Clouds of Injustice - Bhopal disaster 22 years on

Over 20 years ago thousands died from the toxic gas leak at a Union Carbide plant. Over 100,000 continue to suffer. Dow chemical refuses to accept responsibility ...

Canada : Security Certificates – Time for Reform

Five Muslim men face deportation – to countries where they are at risk of torture – following the issuing of “security certificates” naming them as national security threats in Canada ...

Canada: The Rights of the Lubicon Cree

In the 1970s, the Alberta government initiated a program of massive oil and gas development on land that the Lubicon Cree never surrendered ...

Sudan: Protect the people of Darfur

War remains a daily reality for the people of Darfur. Despite ongoing peace talks and ceasefires, the conflict which escalated three years ago shows no signs of letting up ...

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China: Protect Mao Hengfeng! Defending Her Rights, Defending Women’s Rights

Mao Hengfeng has been repeatedly arrested and detained for her work as a human rights defender ...

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Japan: “comfort women” - still waiting for justice

61 years after the end of WWII, ask the Japanese Government to accept responsibility for the crimes against the "comfort women" and provide full reparations ...

Business as usual: Protecting human rights in the globalized economy of the Americas

Attention must be paid to the way in which trade and investment policies contribute to economic inequality and increased violence in the lives of women ...

Child Soldiers - In the firing line

More than 300,000 children are thought to be fighting in some 30 conflicts around the world. Most are between 15 and 18 years old, but many are as young as 10....

For more opportunities to make a difference, click here to go to our online action centre.