Transport Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Freight Technology Incentive Program

Providing cost-shared funding to companies and non-profit organizations in freight transportation to help them to purchase and install proven emission-reducing technologies.

What it does?

Provides cost shared funding to support the purchase and installation of proven technologies throughout the freight transportation system that can reduce the emissions of air pollutant and greenhouse emissions.

Examples of eligible projects under the program include (but are not limited to):

  • Purchase of diesel anti-idling equipments in rail yards, ports, airports and trucking stations;
  • Purchase of hybrid switching locomotives;
  • Purchase of electronic speed control systems.

Who can apply?

Canadian and non-Canadian private enterprises, including not-for-profit organizations, which operate freight transportation in Canada using any of the four modes (air, marine, rail, and road). Examples include air carriers, railways, trucking companies, marine carriers, and eligible port and airport facilities.

How do I apply?

Applications are now being accepted for the first funding round. If you are interested in applying to the program, please read the applicant's guide and submit the application form.

Deadline for Round 1 is November 1, 2007.

The expected deadlines for future rounds are:

  • Round 2 – April 2008
  • Round 3 – October 2008
  • Round 4 – April 2009

How does it work?

Projects can be funded to cover a maximum of:

  • 50% of project total eligible costs
  • $500,000 over a two-year period