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Bank of Canada

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Government Securities Distributors

Bank of Montreal
   (treasury bills only)
Beacon Securities Limited
BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.
   (marketable bonds only)
Canaccord Capital Corp.
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
   (treasury bills only)
Casgrain & Company Limited
CIBC World Markets Inc.
   (marketable bonds only)
CTI Capital Securities Inc.
Desjardins Securities Inc.
Deutsche Bank Securities Limited
Dundee Securities Corporation
Gateway Securities Inc.
HSBC Bank Canada
   (treasury bills only)
HSBC Securities (Canada) Inc.
   (marketable bonds only)
Laurentian Bank Securities Inc.
Merrill Lynch Canada Inc.
J.P. Morgan Securities Canada Inc.
National Bank Financial Inc.
Ocean Securities Inc.
Odlum Brown Limited
RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Scotia Capital Inc.
The Toronto-Dominion Bank

Note: Details related to the responsibilities and performance requirements of government securities distributors are described in "Terms of Participation in Auctions for Government Securities Distributors." (PDF file 31 Kb)

Primary Dealers

Treasury Bills
Bank of Montreal
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Deutsche Bank Securities Limited
HSBC Bank Canada
Laurentian Bank Securities Inc.
Merrill Lynch Canada Inc.
National Bank Financial Inc.
RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Scotia Capital Inc.
The Toronto-Dominion Bank

Note: The primary dealers' aggregate competitive bidding limit is 250 per cent of auction amount per tranche.

BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.
Casgrain & Company Limited
CIBC World Markets Inc.
Desjardins Securities Inc.
Deutsche Bank Securities Limited
HSBC Securities (Canada) Inc.
Merrill Lynch Canada Inc.
J.P. Morgan Securities Canada Inc.
Laurentian Bank Securities Inc.
National Bank Financial Inc.
RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Scotia Capital Inc.
The Toronto-Dominion Bank

Note: The primary dealers' aggregate competitive bidding limit is 283 per cent of auction amount.



Government securities auctions

Schedules and results

Quarterly Bond Schedule

Preliminary ISINs

Calls for Tenders and Results

New: Government of Canada Bond Auction Results (Department of Finance)

Auction Timetable (PDF)

Rules and terms

Details on Bond Buyback Operations (PDF)

Calculation of the Clean Price of a Bond in a Cash Management Bond Repurchase Operation (PDF)

Calculation of the Conversion Ratio in a Duration-Neutral Switch Operation (PDF)

Proposed repurchase program for the Bank of Canada's holdings of Government of Canada securities (PDF)
Read follow-up comments.

Terms of Participation in Auctions for Government Securities Distributors (PDF)

Terms of Participation in Auctions for Customers (PDF)

IDA Policy No. 5 (PDF)
A code of conduct developed by the Investment Dealers Association of Canada to reinforce the integrity of the secondary market for Government of Canada securities

Standard terms for auctions:

Forms and certificates

Certificates of Compliance:

Form for reporting customer net positions directly to the Bank of Canada (PDF)

Customer's Application for Bidder Identification Number (PDF)


Bank of Canada Holdings

GOC T-Bills and Bonds Outstanding

Real Return Bonds—Index Ratio

Summary of Government of Canada Direct Securities and Loans (PDF)
2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000

Definitions and formulas

Description of Government of Canada Market Debt Instruments
(Department of Finance)

Formulas and Market Conventions for Bonds and Treasury Bills
(Department of Finance)

Inclusion of Reconstituted Bonds into the Computation of Net Excess Long Positions (PDF)