Canada Border Services Agency Symbol of the Government of Canada


Modernizing business at the border

Once implemented, eManifest will allow the CBSA to determine whether a shipment destined for Canada is of high or unknown risk that will require further examination.


eManifest is the next phase of the Advance Commercial Information (ACI) program. The ACI program helps meet trade demands by creating a paperless environment where air and sea carriers are required to submit pre-arrival cargo, crew and conveyance information electronically. eManifest will require the pre-arrival transmission of cargo, crew and conveyance information for all modes of transportation.

Impact on the trade industry

Partnerships with industry are key to the success of the eManifest program. The CBSA will consult with experts in the trade industry to build a modern, high-quality program. The CBSA will maintain open lines of communication with the trade community and provide them with as much guidance as possible for the implementation of eManifest.

By getting connected with eManifest, businesses are helping the Government of Canada to contribute to the health, safety and prosperity of Canadians.

Enhancing security and trade

Getting the right information at the right time will allow the CBSA to facilitate legitimate trade while protecting Canadians from health, safety and security threats.

The eManifest initiative will feature the following:

  • Advance crew, cargo and conveyance information from carriers, freight forwarders and importers;
  • Automated risk assessment in advance of the arrival of goods to Canada's borders; and
  • Streamlined border processing through integrated systems.

Additional information

For more information on eManifest contact: