Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide


Farmer instructions for CWB administered producer cars

Information for farmers who have applied for or are considering applying for a producer car through the Canadian Wheat Board.

New for 2007-08: Effective August 1, 2007, Canadian National Railway (CN) and Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) will eliminate the per-tonne grain freight rate currently in effect and implement new per-car rate tariffs.

Ordering a producer car

It is in your best interest to ensure the accuracy of your grain by having it tested at a CGC Service Centre, before loading the rail car.

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Loading a producer car

You must ensure that:

If you are requesting the CWB to release your car and the release will occur on a weekend, please notify the CWB by 3:00 pm CST on the Friday before you load.

At no time can a rail car be treated with a fumigant. The railways strictly prohibit the use of all fumigants, such as Phostoxin, in all railway cars loaded in Western Canada. If you car contains a fumigant, you may be subject to substantial financial penalties. Rail cars containing a fumigant place those accessing the car at risk of severe or even fatal injuries.

Overloaded cars
It is important that you load to the correct weight and fill compartments equally.

The CGC, which sets quality assurance standards for export grain shipments and certifies their quality and consistency, has a zero tolerance policy for excreta.

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Delivery of wheat - Declaration of variety

On your first producer car application of a crop year, a Delivery of Wheat - Declaration of Variety form (PDF format 67 KB) must be completed and faxed to the CWB along with the completed bill of lading form. This declaration for the producer car is the same as the declaration of variety being made at primary elevators with respect to eligible varieties of wheat for delivery. A declaration form is provided as part of this information package.

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Bill of lading/settlement form

  1. Completing a Bill of Lading/Settlement Form
    • Complete sections 1, 2 and 3 of the form for each producer car.
    • Your CGC authorization letter will provide some of the essential information required to complete your bill of lading form.
  2. Steps for submitting a Bill of Lading/Settlement Form
    • Send the completed form via the Internet to CN or by fax to CP. You should do this immediately upon loading the producer car to ensure the car is released in a timely manner.
      • CN via their Internet site at
      • CP via fax to 1-800-704-3000
    • You must be registered as an e-Business subscriber with CN to transmit bill of lading information. New subscribers can register with CN at to receive a secure username and password.
    • If you do not have Internet access to send your form to CN, you must fax the bill of lading form to the CWB. The CWB will e-mail the information to CN on your behalf. The CWB will charge a service fee of $25.00 per car for providing e-mail service to CN on behalf of farmers.
    • Complete section 4 - the settlement information (for CWB records only)
    • If the settlement calls for a split, enter the appropriate CWB producer ID number and percentage split for each landlord. Also, on a separate piece of paper list each landlord’s address and attach to your Bill of Lading/Settlement form.
    • Enter the necessary deductions from settlement (e.g. CWB cash advance).
    • If the settlement cheque is to be deferred, list deferral date and crop year.
    • If you choose to defer settlement to the new crop year, terminal storage will be your responsibility until settlement is made by the CWB.
    • Fax the completed copy of the CWB Bill of Lading/Settlement Form to the CWB at 1-204-983-8031.

Note: There is a $400.00 fine per car imposed by the railways for failure to send a Bill of Lading/ Settlement form to the railways immediately after loading a car.

Example: Completed Bill of Lading

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Recording producer car deliveries

You are required to record the producer car delivery in your delivery permit book. This preliminary entry should show the grade of the grain (in the Grade column), the shipment date (in the Date column), the gross weight in tonnes (in the Net tonnes delivered column), and the car initials and serial number as they appear on the railway car (in the PPO column).

When you receive your unload information, you should adjust the preliminary entry in the delivery permit book by entering the net weight in tonnes (in the Total deliveries column) and initialing the entry (in the Mgr. init. column).

Example: Delivery Permit Book entry

Record of deliveries

Company name

Delivery point



Net tonnes delivered

Total deliveries

Mgr. init.





Oct. 29/07




CNX 024680

























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Once the car unloads at port, the CWB will send you your settlement cheque and statement.

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Administration fees
CWB Administered Cars (where CWB pays the freight) [$90.00 + GST per car]
Self Administered Cars (where producer pays the freight) [$90.00 + GST per car]
CGC Fee [$20.00 per car]
CWB Fee for e-mail services to CN (where applicable) [$25.00 per car]
All applicable administration fees, CGC fees or CWB fees will be deducted from the settlement cheque. You are not required to send any money to the CWB or the CGC for these fees. The CGC fee is non-refundable if the application is cancelled.

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Per-car rate tariffs

Effective August 1, 2007, both Canadian National Railway (CN) and Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) will eliminate the per-tonne grain freight rate currently in effect and implement new per-car rate tariffs.

CN made this switch on non-CWB handled grains on August 1, 2006. CN will now publish freight tariffs for CWB handled grains as a per-car rate. CP will simultaneously convert all their grain freight rates to a per-car rate starting August 1, 2007.

Freight rates under the per-car tariffs will still be subject to the Western Grain Railway Revenue Cap. The CWB will carefully monitor to ensure that the railways are in compliance with any increases allowed under the Composite Price Index by the Canadian Transportation Agency.

With the rates now being calculated per carload - not per tonne - the freight charges will not be affected by the actual unload weights. Instead, a flat rate based on the car origin and destination will be charged according to the published railway tariff, available on the railways’ Web sites.

Now that freight rates are changing to per-car rates, you will need to be extra cautious to ensure loading to full visible capacity will not result in exceeding the hopper car weight limit. All hopper cars have a gross, tare and load limit weight stencilled on their sides. If the stencils are not visible, please contact the railways’ customer service department to get the railcar’s specifications. You should check these weights carefully, and pre-weigh truckloads to ensure they are as close as possible to, but not over, the load weight limit. This will mitigate your freight costs per tonne.

For more information on conversion factors and tariffs, visit

If you have any questions about the conversion from per-tonne to per-car rates, please call the CWB at 1-800-275-4292.

The Canadian Wheat Board - Farmer Operations
423 Main Street
P.O. Box 816, Station Main
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3C 2P5
Telephone 1-800-275-4292
Fax 1-204-983-8031

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