Canada Revenue Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Child and Family Benefits

National Child Day - November 20, 2007National Child Day - November 20, 2007
Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB) Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB) GST/HST credit
Canada Child Tax Benefit: Information on eligibility, applying, payment dates and more Canada's Universal Child Care Plan GST/HST credit: Information on eligibility, applying, payment dates and more

flag Last payment:
October 19, 2007

flag Last payment:
October 19, 2007

flag Last payment:
October 5, 2007

flag Next payment:
November 20, 2007

flag Next payment:
November 20, 2007

flag Next payment:
January 4, 2008

Provincial and territorial programsProvincial and territorial programs

Information about related provincial and territorial programs that CRA administers.

Questions and answers

Ontario flagOntario Child Benefit program (OCB)

Canada flagEnergy Cost Benefit (2006)

envelopeAddress of the tax centre to mail your forms

Forms and publications - Child and Family Benefits

My Account

Use the CRA's online service My Account to view payment information related to your CCTB, GST/HST credit and related provincial and territorial programs, to change your address, and to apply for child benefits online.

National Child Benefit

National Child Benefit
Information about the National Child Benefit Supplement.

Child Disability Benefit

Child Disability Benefit
Information on eligibility, applying, payment dates.

Apply for child benefits

Apply for child benefits
Use our Apply for child benefits online service on My Account to apply electronically for Canada child benefits.

Benefits calculator

Benefits Calculator
Use our calculator to determine the amount of child and family benefits you may be entitled to receive.