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Prime Minister unveils ecoENERGY Renewable Initiative

19 January 2007

Good morning.

Thank you, David for your kind introduction.

And thanks, too, to Pearson College for hosting us today at your beautiful facility.

Let me say how impressed I am by your beautiful campus and your obviously exceptional students.

I know Pearson College puts great emphasis on teaching the importance of sustainable development.

So it's appropriate to be here today to announce another, practical, results-based environmental initiative.

But before I begin, I'd like thank all of you for taking time from your busy schedules to be with us here today.

The sheer number of notable guests in attendance is a testament to the importance of today's announcement.

Unfortunately, as my time is limited, I can't mention everyone I'd like to.

Quickly, though, I'd like to acknowledge:

The President of the Forest Products Association of Canada, Avrim Lazar;

The President and Director of Clean Current, Glen Darou, as well as the other partners in attendance who contributed to the Race Rocks Tidal Demonstration Project;

Our Minister of Natural Resources and MP for Saanich-Gulf Islands, Gary Lunn. Gary has also been doing a tremendous job representing B.C. and the Island in Ottawa; and

Also, Canada's new Environment Minister, John Baird. John, of course, successfully shepherded the landmark Federal Accountability Act through Parliament last year.

Canada's new government takes its responsibility for the environment very seriously.

And that's why we've acted so decisively.

With a focus on outcomes and achievable results serving as the common thread that runs through all our initiatives.

For instance, since taking office, our government has:

Introduced the Clean Air Act, the most ambitious plan in Canadian history to regulate and reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions;

Made Canada a world leader in assessing and regulating potentially dangerous chemicals, with our Comprehensive Chemicals Management Plan;

Taken action to reduce the amount of mercury released into our surroundings, and toxic substances released from base metal smelters; and,

Invested heavily in public transit infrastructure and brought in a personal income tax credit to reward transit users.

While we've accomplished much, we recognize there's more to do. And that's why we're undertaking three new ecoENERGY initiatives.

These initiatives will:

Encourage Canadians to use energy more efficiently,

Reduce air pollutants and gas emissions from conventional energy sources, and

Increase Canada's supply of clean energy.

Two days ago, Minister Lunn revealed our ecoENERGY Technology Initiative, which will support Canada's energy producers in their efforts to reduce emissions.

Today we're unveiling our ecoENERGY Renewable Initiative, under which we'll be making very significant investments in the development of alternative, sustainable energy technologies.

Because not only is Canada blessed with vast stores of conventional energy in the form of oil, gas, coal, and uranium,

We also have a superabundance of energy from natural, renewable sources:

The mighty winds that blow across our land,

The rushing waters of our rivers,

And the tides of the Pacific, Arctic, and Atlantic oceans.

There is no end to the potential of these and other alternative natural, non-polluting energy sources.

The ecoENERGY Renewable Initiative will help scientists and entrepreneurs harness the power of these natural forces that are all around us.

The first component of the initiative, ecoENERGY for Renewable Power, will boost Canada's supply of clean electricity by offering generous incentives to spur production.

The second component, ecoENERGY for Renewable Heat, will offer incentives to encourage the use of clean renewable technologies for water heating and space heating and cooling in homes and buildings.

The incentives contained in today's announcement are projected to boost the production of clean, renewable Canadian energy by up to 4,000 megawatts a year.

In terms of greenhouse gas reductions, it's the equivalent of taking one million cars off the road.

That is real, practical, achievable action on climate change.

Simply put, the purpose of the ecoENERGY Renewable Initiative is to use our environment to protect our environment.

Cleaner air.

Lower greenhouse gas emissions.

And a brighter future for a greener, healthier Canada.

Our final ecoENERGY initiative will be unveiled this weekend by Minister Lunn.

While I'll leave it to Gary to reveal the details, the ecoENERGY Efficiency Initiative, suffice it to say, is the final piece in our government's ecoENERGY approach.

By harnessing the kinetic power of nature …

Cutting emissions from conventional energy sources,

And developing the technologies and infrastructure that reduce energy consumption,

Our ecoENERGY initiatives are going to help create a healthier ecosystem for Canadians today, tomorrow, and beyond.

Thank you.