Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

Canada's New Government invests in carbon capture research - Delivering real results on greenhouse gas reductions

March 12, 2007

CALGARY - The Honourable Gary Lunn, Minister of Natural Resources, along with partners from Innoventures Canada (I-CAN), today announced funding for a project related to the initial development of the I-CAN Centre for the Conversion of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), at the Economic Club in Calgary.

Under the leadership of the Alberta Research Council, the Saskatchewan Research Council, Manitoba's Industrial Technology Centre and a Quebec industrial research centre (Centre de recherche industrielle du Québec), the I-CAN Centre for the Conversion of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) will help develop microalgae systems that could capture up to 100 million tonnes of CO2 from industrial sources, such as coal-fired plants and oil sands projects. The microalgae, a valuable source of biomass, would then be converted into a range of industrial products and by-products such as renewable natural gas, hydrogen and biofuels.

"This project is a great example of our Government's commitment to finding new and promising projects that will help take Canada to the next level of understanding carbon capture, storage and use," said Minister Lunn. "It builds on our ecoENERGY Initiatives, including the Task Force announced last week by the Prime Minister. We are serious about delivering real results to Canadians and reducing greenhouse gas emissions."

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is contributing $100,000 to the first phase of the project. NRCan funding will support key research and development activities, and conceptual engineering. These will contribute to a detailed business case for an integrated pilot facility.

"By bringing together a critical mass of expertise from across Canada, I-CAN is the right vehicle to tackle large, complex projects to help Canada's economy innovate, grow and prosper," said John McDougall, President and CEO of the Alberta Research Council and Chairman of I-CAN. "We are extremely pleased to have the Government of Canada join us for this important project, which will be a step forward in finding innovative ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions."

I-CAN acts as a mechanism to combine resources from industry, government and research organizations to conduct large research and development projects in Canada. I-CAN's funding partners on this project include Shell Canada Limited, EPCOR Utilities Inc., Graymont, NRCan and the Government of Alberta.