Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

North West Bio Energy Ltd.

North West Bio Energy Ltd. was established for the purpose of constructing and operating a 25,250,000 litre per year fuel-ethanol facility. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of North West Terminal Ltd. (NWT), a farmer-owned in-land grain terminal located one mile east of Unity, Saskatchewan. NWT was established in February 1993 and began accepting grain in June 1996. The terminal has a total storage capacity of 2.3 million bushels (63,000 metric tonnes) and is capable of receiving up to 30,000 bushels of grain per hour.

The ecoAgriculture Biofuels Capital (ecoABC) Initiative

The ecoABC initiative is a federal $200 million four-year program, ending on March 31, 2011, that provides repayable contributions for the construction or expansion of transportation biofuel production facilities.

Funding is provided for projects that use agricultural feedstock to produce biofuels and that have new agricultural producer equity investments in the projects equal to, at minimum, 5% of the total eligible project costs. The funding contributed increases as the level of producer equity investment increases.

Corporations (including co-operatives), individuals and partnerships are eligible to apply for ecoABC funding. Eligible applicants cannot be subject to controlling interest by a federal, provincial or municipal government.

The ecoABC initiative is delivered nationally by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. It is designed to provide an opportunity for agricultural producers to diversify their economic base and participate in the biofuel industry through equity investment/ownership in biofuel production facilities.

Canada's New Government is investing a total of $2.2 billion toward the goal of reaching an average of 5% renewable content in gasoline by 2010 and 2% renewable content in diesel fuel by 2012.