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Dance on Screen Production Fund (Pilot Program)


15 October

Program Description

This program supports the production and dissemination of Canadian professional screen-based dance work on film or video. These works must have the potential to reach broad audiences, in all regions, on the large or small screen. Unlike programs delivered by the Media Arts Section, distribution plans, broadcast licenses or agreements are eligibility criteria for funding. The Dance on Screen Production Fund offers two support components: Development Grant and Production Grant.

The Dance on Screen Production Fund aims to:

  • support creative excellence in screen-based dance work
  • encourage all approaches that will enhance the evolution of the language of dance in combination with the media, whether traditional or new
  • broaden public access to dance
  • strengthen existing public support for dance and encourage new audiences, and
  • reinforce a production and distribution network for screen-based dance work to increase the visibility of Canadian professional dance, nationally and internationally.
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This pilot program is broadcast driven, and maybe delivered in association with convergent media. The lead applicants can be Canadian dance or media artists, choreographers, independent directors, producers or production companies. A producer or production company must be either the lead applicant or the co-applicant. The lead applicant will be considered responsible for the project. If the lead applicant is a dance company, it must show that it has the infrastructure necessary to complete the project, list its previous achievements as a producer of works for the screen, and present a confirmed distribution plan. Also, if a dance company is involved in more than one project submitted in the same application, it must demonstrate its ability to meet all of the deadlines that the lead applicant has proposed.

The program is open to emerging, mid-career and established professionals.

All members of the production team must be professionals in their fields, and a preponderance majority of cast members must be paid professionals.

Production companies must be Canadian owned. At least some cast members must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. In special cases, productions with only a sole international broadcaster will be considered, but the project must involve Canadian dance artists.

Production companies may apply for two different projects if the funding for both projects has been confirmed in writing and there is no connection between the two. However, a production company may submit only one such application in any fiscal year.

Arts organizations and broadcasters may initiate projects on the condition that a production company, whether independent or not, and a choreographer are participants in the project.

All Canada Council programs are accessible to Aboriginal artists or arts organizations and artits or arts organizations of diverse cultural and regional communities of Canada.

Eligible Productions

Eligible productions include:

  • original media-based dance work: film, video, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM (in the case of new media, a broadcaster and/or distributor must be involved in the project, and the DVD-ROM or CD-ROM must be included with the proposed project, with the production cost clearly indicated in the budget), and
  • original works choreographed for camera, except documentaries.
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Grant Amount

Development Grant: Maximum of $5,000.

Production Grant: Maximum of $50,000.

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Application Form

Dance on Screen Production Fund (Pilot Program) (PDF Acrobat format).
This form can only be printed and cannot be filled out on-line.

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Further Information

For further details or to obtain an application form, contact Louise Gagné, Program Officer, or Linda Nickolson, Assistant.

Telephone: 1-800-263-5588 (toll-free) or 613-566-4414, ext. 4511 (Louise Gagné) or ext. 4578 (Linda Nickolson) 

TTY (TDD) machine, for hearing-impaired callers: 613-565-5194

Fax: 613-566-4409

Dance Section
Canada Council for the Arts
350 Albert Street, P.O. Box 1047
Ottawa ON K1P 5V8

June 2007