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Our history began in 1896 when musicians gathered in Indianapolis and organized the American Federation of Musicians (AFM) for “any musician who receives pay for his musical services.” Representing 3,000 members, AFM was granted a charter by the American Federation of Labor (AFL). Now we are 80,000 musicians strong.

Emergency Assistance

Please donate to help AFM musicians and their families impacted by natural disasters.

Donate Here
If you were affected by hurricanes, wildfires or tornados—Get Help Here.

Booking a Band?

Fair Trade Music

Fair Trade Music is a grassroots campaign raising standards for freelance musicians through organizing, collective action and education. City-by-city we are building an organization of musicians, community leaders and fans to support Fair Trade Music principles.

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Many of us standing together are more powerful than any of us standing alone. Musicians ability to make a living is threatened as never before. Industry continues reaping huge profits while technological advances transform our work and how we are compensated. But we have tremendous power—musicians just have to organize and use our power.

Travel Kit

Going on the road can be hard enough without worrying if your instrument will be permitted on your next flight. AFM’s Traveling Kit goes on the road with you so your instrument makes it to your next gig safely.