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Bank of Canada

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Departments at the Bank

Executive and Legal Services


Supports the Bank's corporate governance by providing decision-support functions to the Executive and to the Board of Directors. The Department also represents the Bank as a corporate entity through the Office of the Corporate Secretary, and its lawyers provide legal services to the Bank.

Board of Directors and Executive Management Committee

  • provides the Board with expertise in corporate governance practices and ensures the effective functioning of the Board and its Committees, and acts as the liaison between the Board and departments of the Bank.
  • facilitates and manages the flow of information and issues to the Executive Management Committee and liaises with departments to support the timely discussion and resolution of issues.

Strategic Planning

provides expertise in the development and management of a strategic planning framework for the Bank to support corporate accountability, performance objectives, and the production of a business strategy from both an annual and medium-term planning perspective.

Privacy and Access to Information

responds to formal and informal requests for records under the control of the Bank and liaises with the offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners for consultation and resolution of complaints. It also includes advising the various departments of the Bank on the effective management of personal information as well as ensuring that the Bank's Access to Information practices are consistent.

Legal Services

provides legal support to ensure that the Bank acts on a sound legal basis and that legal risks to the Bank and to the systems and entities that it oversees are adequately identified and monitored.

Corporate Policies and Programs

is responsible for the development and monitoring of a number of policies and programs with broad institutional implications and links to external processes.