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Alberta Creative Development Initiative


1 December 2007 and 1 June 2008

Application Forms

ACDI - Individuals (PDF Acrobat format) 
This form cannot be filled out on line but can be printed.

ACDI - Organizations (PDF Acrobat format) 
This form cannot be filled out on line but can be printed.

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Program Description

The Alberta Creative Development Initiative supports creation, production and dissemination of independent work by professional artists, collectives and arts organizations. 

The ACDI has two components:

  • Grants to Individual Artists, Arts Administrators and Collectives, and
  • Grants to Organizations.

A. Grants to Individual Artists, Arts Administrators and Collectives

  • grants for research, creation, production, and/or dissemination; and
  • grants for professional development, including residencies.

NB: Groups, bands and ensembles are eligible in this component.

B. Grants to Organizations

  • annual or multi-year project grants for research, creation, production and/or dissemination;
  • annual or multi-year administrative project grants that build capacity; and
  • annual or multi-year audience development project grants that increase the public impact and/or profile of an organization.
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Program Objectives

The objectives of the program are

  • to support the development of professional artists and arts organizations in Alberta;
  • to foster a dynamic, vibrant arts community in Alberta; and
  • to enable the success of Alberta artists and arts organizations locally, provincially, nationally and internationally.
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Program Context

The Alberta Creative Development Initiative (ACDI) is a partnership between the Alberta Foundation for the Arts and the Canada Council for the Arts in collaboration with the Calgary Arts Development Authority and the Edmonton Arts Council. This targeted initiative is designed to enhance the continued development of the arts in the province of Alberta.

Funding priority will be given to Alberta-based professional artists and arts organizations of high artistic merit that

  • have not previously been supported by the Canada Council or by the Alberta Foundation for the Arts; and/or
  • are Aboriginal, culturally diverse, or working in an official-language minority community; and/or
  • are working in new or innovative arts practices within or across artistic disciplines.

This is a three-year initiative, with the possibility of a two-year extension. The program eligibility criteria, assessment criteria and other details may be modified following the first competition.