Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Environmental Science

Environmental Science


Environmental Science at DFO provides the scientific foundation for sound decision-making on the sustainable use and the conservation/protection of fish, fish habitat and aquatic ecosystems. Such decisions are based on an understanding of how marine and freshwater ecosystems function and how they are affected by human activities. Efforts are directed towards understanding the capacity of fish habitats to sustain fish production and the effects of human activities on fish, human use of fish, fish habitat and aquatic ecosystems. We provide scientific support required for decision-making in DFO and the federal government by: Acquiring scientific knowledge through targeted research and by gathering, integrating and interpreting scientific information from internal and external sources; and providing peer-reviewed scientific advice, and science-based products and services such as publications, data and information, software, and other tools and services.

Primary Areas of Focus Currently Include:

Regional Expertise

Environmental Science expertise is distributed through a number of regional institutes. Regional scientific expertise is used to address environmental issues of national importance and international significance. We work regionally, but think nationally.

For details on research regional activities and scientific expertise please visit the websites below.

Map of DFO Research Centres and Facilities

Regional research centres and facilities conducting environmental science include:

Pacific - Pacific Region Internet Site

Central and Arctic - Central and Artic Region Internet Site

Québec - Québec Region Internet Site

Maritimes - Maritimes Region Internet Site

§         St. Andrews Biological Station (8)

§         Bedford Institute of Oceanography (10)

§         Centre for Offshore Oil and Gas Environmental Research

Gulf - Gulf Region Internet Site

Newfoundland - Newfoundland Region Internet Site

  • North Atlantic Fisheries Centre (11)


The Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) coordinates the peer review of scientific issues for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.


Last updated : 2007-07-24

Important Notices