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Peer assessors for the supplementary funds

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As is the case for all programs at the Canada Council for the Arts, the role of peer assessors chosen by the Council was to evaluate applications for the Supplementary Operating Funds Initiative following the published program criteria, in a national competitive context, and to make recommendations to the Council on grants. The disciplinary committees evaluated all applications. The multi-disciplinary committee evaluated the regional, national and international impact of those organizations defined by the Council for this program only as key institutions and made recommendations on this basis.

The designation of “key institutions” was determined by Council staff in late December 2006, based on criteria approved by the Board, relating to the significance of their contribution to the discipline, their institutional infrastructure, their revenue, and regional, national and international impact of their programming, among other measures. After having been evaluated by a discipline-specific assessment committee, applications from “key institutions” were submitted as well to a single multidisciplinary committee, with international representation, which was able to supplement the recommendations of the disciplinary assessment committee.

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