CBC In Depth
Al-Qaeda timeline
CBC News Online | Updated June 8, 2006

June 7, 2006:
The leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq was killed during a targeted air strike conducted by U.S. force, northeast of Baghdad in the province of Diyala. The 39-year-old, Jordanian-born Abu Musab al-Zarqawi had a $25-million US bounty on his head.
» CBC News: Militant al-Zarqawi killed in air attack

May 3, 2006:
Zacarias Moussaoui, the only person charged in the U.S. in connection with the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, is found guilty of the charges against him. He is sentenced to life imprisonment.
» CBC News: Moussaoui escapes death penalty, sentenced to life

May 4, 2005:
Pakistani security forces announce they have arrested Abu Faraj Farj al-Libbi, the senior al-Qaeda militant suspected of planning two assassination attempts against President Pervez Musharraf. Al-Libbi is a close associate of Osama bin Laden and the head of al-Qaeda operations in Pakistan.
» CBC News: Al-Qaeda's top man in Pakistan caught

April 22, 2005:
The trial of 24 alleged al-Qaeda members opens in Spain. Three of the men are accused of helping plan the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the U.S.
» CBC News: Spanish 9/11 trial opens

Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called "20th hijacker," pleads guilty to all charges against him in connection with the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
» CBC News: Moussaoui pleads guilty

Jan. 21, 2005:
Doubleday announces plans to publish English translations of interviews with Osama bin Laden in 2006 under the tentative title The al-Qaeda Reader.
» CBC Arts: Doubleday to publish bin Laden book

Dec. 16, 2004:
A new audio message thought to be from Osama bin Laden is found on an Islamic website. The audiotape criticizes Saudi Arabia's government for being too close to the United States.
» CBC News: Alleged bin Laden tape posted on website

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (AP photo)
Dec. 6, 2004:
The Saudi wing of al-Qaeda claims responsibility for an attack on the American Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, that killed five staff members and left four militants dead.
» CBC News: Al-Qaeda group claims to have carried out Jeddah attack

Oct. 29, 2004:
In a message broadcast by Al-Jazeera, Osama bin Laden claims direct responsibility for the 2001 attacks against the United States.
» CBC News: Bin Laden claims responsibility for 9/11
» More on the al-Qaeda tapes

Oct. 15, 2004:
German authorities arrest Mamoun Darkazanli, a suspected al-Qaeda financier, on a Spanish warrant in Hamburg.
» CBC News: Suspected al-Qaeda financier detained

Sept. 26, 2004:
Pakistani police shoot and kill Amjad Hussain Farooqi, a top al-Qaeda official, in Nawabshahm, Pakistan. Farooqi was suspected of plotting attacks on the Pakistani president.
» CBC News: Pakistan kills al-Qaeda leader

Aug. 8, 2004:
Qari Saifullah Akhtar, a top-level al-Qaeda member accused of running a training camp in Afghanistan is arrested in the United Arab Emirates.
» CBC News: Senior al-Qaeda member captured

Aug. 3, 2004:
Pakistani government officials announce the arrest of several key al-Qaeda suspects.
» CBC News: Pakistan rounds up key al-Qaeda suspects

Osama bin Laden
July 12, 2004:
Khaled bin Ouda bin Mohammed al-Harby, a sheik and a confidant of bin Laden, surrenders to Saudi officials in Iran.
» CBC News: Bin Laden confidant surrenders

July 7, 2004:
Six Yemenis are charged with planning the October 2000 bombing of the USS Cole.
» CBC News: Six Yemenis charged in USS Cole attack

June 25, 2004:
The group Tawhid and Jihad, led by al-Qaeda-linked militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, claims responsibility for a series of attacks across Iraq.
» CBC News: Al-Qaeda group claims responsibility for deadly attacks in Iraq

June 18, 2004:

Islamic militants with ties to al-Qaeda behead an American hostage, Paul Johnson
» CBC News: Al-Qaeda militants behead U.S. hostage

Abdulaziz al-Muqrin, the suspected leader of al-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia, is killed in a firefight with Saudi security forces.
» CBC News: Saudi al-Qaeda leader killed: reports

May 12, 2004:
A video posted on a website linked to al-Qaeda shows the beheading of American hostage Nick Berg. The video is entitled Abu Musab al-Zarqawi Shown Slaughtering an American. Al-Zarqawi is a lieutenant of bin Laden.
» CBC News: American civilian beheaded by captors in Iraq

April 22, 2004:
Saudi authorities blame suicide attacks in downtown Riyadh on al-Qaeda. The attacks killed 10 people.
» CBC News: Saudis blame al-Qaeda for suicide attacks

March 25, 2004:
An audio tape believed to be from Ayman al-Zawahri, number two in al-Qaeda, is broadcast on al-Jazeera, calling for the overthrow of the government in Pakistan.
» CBC News: Overthrow your president, al-Qaeda tells Pakistanis

March 11, 2004:
Bombs on commuter trains in Madrid kill 190 people and injure more than 1,800. Spain later arrests more than a dozen suspects, many of them from Morocco and believed to have ties to al-Qaeda.
» CBC News: Alleged al-Qaeda letter claims responsibility for Madrid bombings

Saudi police officer peers from the destroyed headquarters of general security services in Riyadh. (AP photo)
Nov. 11, 2003:
Saudis blame al-Qaeda for a suicide car bombing that killed 17 people in Riyadh.
» CBC News: 7 Canadians among injured in Saudi blast

May 1, 2003
U.S. President George W. Bush declares "major combat" over in Iraq.
» CBC News: Bush thanks troops for a 'job well done'
» More on Iraq

March 20, 2003:
The United States attacks Iraq.

March 1, 2003
Pakistani and U.S. agents arrest Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, one of the suspected masterminds of the Sept. 11 attacks.
» CBC News: U.S. hails arrest of accused 9/11 schemer

Jan. 30, 2003
Shoe bomber Richard Reid sentenced to life in prison.

Oct. 26, 2003
Russian special forces use gas to retake the theatre. The total death toll, from the gas and from those killed by the hostages is 128. All 41 hostage-takers are also killed.
» More on Chechnya

Oct. 23, 2003
Chechen rebels, believed to be loosely affiliated with al-Qaeda, storm a theatre in Moscow and take audience, actors and crew as hostages.

Oct. 12, 2003
Bombs in two nightclubs in Bali kill 202 people. Authorities later charges members of a local group, Jemaah Islamiyah, which has ties with al-Qaeda.
» More on the Bali bombing

March 18, 2002
The United States ends its sweep through the mountains of Afghanistan, Operation Anaconda, but most of the Taliban and al-Qaeda escape.
» CBC News: More big battles coming in Afghanistan: U.S.

Dec. 22, 2001
Shoe bomber Richard Reid tries to blow up an American Airlines jet over the Atlantic.

Dec. 11, 2001
The United States files criminal charges against the alleged "20th hijacker" Zacarias Moussaoui.
» CBC News: U.S. lays six conspiracy charges in Sept. 11 attacks

Dec. 7, 2001
Taliban forces in Kandahar surrender to American troops.
» CBC News: Kandahar surrenders, but some Taliban refuse to give up weapons

Nov. 13, 2001
Northern Alliance soldiers enter Kabul.
» CBC News: Taliban leaves Kabul without resistance

Nov. 9, 2001
The Taliban flee the northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif.
» CBC News: Taliban confirms rebel breakthrough in key city

Oct. 9, 2001
Al-Qaeda spokesman Sulaiman Abu Ghaith issues a statement calling for a holy war against the United States.
» CBC News: Taliban renews call for holy war

Oct. 7, 2001
The United States launches air strikes in Afghanistan aimed at al-Qaeda training camps and Taliban bases. Osama bin Laden, in a videotaped message, praises God for Sept. 11 attacks and swears America will never "dream of security" until "the infidels' armies leave the land of Muhammad."
» CBC News: Taliban stands firm as U.S. launches air strikes

Sept. 11, 2001
Attacks on World Trade Center in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania kill close to 3,000 people. Al-Qaeda is blamed within days of the attacks.
» More on Sept. 11

August 2001
Osama bin Laden threatens attacks on U.S.

June 19, 2001
Osama bin Laden releases a taped message, which many believe was the orders that triggered the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. »
More on the al-Qaeda tapes

May 29, 2001
A U.S. District Court jury finds four of Osama bin Laden's followers guilty of conspiring to kill Americans, including those killed in the U.S. embassy bombings in Africa.

Oct. 12, 2000
Two suicide bombers, suspected to be associated with bin Laden, attack the navy destroyer USS Cole in Aden, Yemen, killing 17 sailors.

Nov. 4, 1998
A U.S. federal grand jury indicts Osama bin Laden in the bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa.

Feb. 22, 1998
Osama bin Laden calls for attacks on American citizens.

Aug. 7, 1998
Bombs explode at the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killing more than 220 people and injuring 5,000. The U.S. retaliates with air strikes against suspected training camps in Sudan and Afghanistan.

June 25, 1996
Bin Laden followers bomb U.S. military base near Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, killing 19 American soldiers and wounding hundreds of Americans and Saudi Arabians.

After Osama bin Laden is expelled from Sudan, al-Qaeda moves its operation to Afghanistan. Iran sponsors a re-organization of al-Qaeda with bin Laden as leader.

Nov. 13, 1995
Seven people, including five Americans, are killed when two bombs explode at a U.S.-Saudi military facility in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Osama bin Laden is blamed for the attack.

June 26, 1995
Al-Qaeda tries, unsuccessfully, to assassinate Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Oct. 8, 1993
Al-Qaeda supporters attack UN troops in Somalia, killing 18 U.S. servicemen

Feb. 26, 1993
A 500-kilogram bomb explodes in a garage under World Trade Center in New York, killing six and injuring 1,042. Bin Laden associate Ramzi Yousef is sentenced to life without parole in February 1998 for orchestrating the bombing.

Osama bin Laden sets up militant training camps in Sudan and begins searching for nuclear material and weapons.

Osama bin Laden founds an international group known as al-Qaeda, which in Arabic means "the base." It is formed primarily of mujahedeen, meaning holy warriors, and others fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan.



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