Programs and Services

CAIS Program: Frequently Asked Questions



2006 CAIS Harmonized Form

Q. What is the CAIS Harmonized Form?
A. The CAIS Administration is taking steps to improve CAIS program delivery and to streamline the process to apply for CAIS benefits. As part of these improvements, individuals will receive their income tax and CAIS forms in a single package. The T1273 CAIS Harmonized Form combines the income tax and CAIS forms.

Corporations and cooperatives will receive a CAIS Harmonized form that combines their Statement A and inventory information. However, they must report their farming income separately for tax purposes.

The harmonized form is only available for individuals in provinces where the federal CAIS Administration delivers the program (British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, and the Yukon).

Program simplification is a priority for the CAIS Administration, and is an ongoing process. We will continue to make improvements to further streamline and simplify forms and program delivery

Q. When will the 2006 CAIS Harmonized Form be available?
A. Individuals will receive their CAIS Harmonized forms in the mail in mid-February 2007. The forms will be available online in January, 2007.

Forms & Guides for Entities (corporations, cooperatives) will start being mailed the first week of February, and will include monthly price lists from January to November 2006.

For entities with non-calendar year ends, the price lists are included with the new harmonized forms. For individuals, the price lists will be distributed separately from the forms package in early 2007. Price lists are posted on the CAIS Web site.

Q. When will the deadline be to submit the forms?
A. The deadline to submit the forms for the 2006 program year is September 30, 2007. As this is a Sunday, forms will be accepted on Monday, October 1, 2007.

Q. Will CRA be using the information I submit to CAIS?
A. Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is collecting information on behalf of the CAIS administration. The information you submit on the CAIS section of CAIS Harmonized form and will not be used by CRA.

Q: Will the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) use my inventory/production data?
A. The financial and production information you submit will not be used by CRA.

Q. Will I receive my CAIS cheque with my tax refund?
A. No. Your income tax forms will be processed by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), while your CAIS information, along with the income and expense information you will provide, will be processed by the CAIS Administration.

Q. If I am a Status Indian farming on a reserve, do I have to send my form to CRA?
A. If you are a Status Indian farming on a reserve, you should send your form directly to the CAIS Administration at:

P.O. Box 3200
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 5R7



Q: What are the new program penalties?
Producers who miss the deadline for sending their 2005 harmonized form or their 2006 fee will now have some additional time to meet the program requirements. However, missing the program deadlines will mean producers have to pay a penalty. There are two situations in which a penalty may be applied – when the harmonized form is submitted after the deadline, and when the fee is paid after the deadline.

Q: What happens if I file my 2005 CAIS harmonized form after September 30, 2006?
If you do not submit your 2005 CAIS harmonized form by the September 30 deadline, under new rules you now have until December 31, 2006 to submit your form. However, your CAIS payment will be reduced by $500 for each month (or part of the month) late. If the penalty amount is greater than your payment amount, your CAIS payment will be reduced to zero. The remainder of the reduction will not be applied to any other program year.

Q: What happens if I do not pay my 2006 fee by December 31, 2006?
If you did not pay your fee by the December 31 deadline, a 20% penalty was added to your fee. You had until April 30, 2007 to pay your fee. If you did not pay your fee by April 30, 2007, you are ineligible to participate in CAIS for the 2006 program year.



Q. What is combining?
A. CAIS is a "whole farm" program. This means that all sources of farm income are included in the calculation of a participant's program margins.

"Combining" of operations takes place when applications from two or more operations are processed as one under the CAIS program. The operations are viewed together as a "whole farm" and one set of calculations is done to determine program benefits.

Q. Under what circumstances would my operation be combined?
A. Operations are combined if they don't stand alone financially, legally or operationally. For example, a producer may have an agreement with another producer and may be conducting significant transactions at lower than fair market value. If the operation must rely on another operation to work as a whole farm it will be combined. This approach ensures that CAIS benefits are directed to producers who experience actual income declines.

Examples - Whole farm combining

Example 1: Inventory not assignable
A husband and wife both have individual cash crop farming operations and report separately to CRA. However, they share inventory storage facilities and do not differentiate stored production. As a result, crop inventories and sales cannot be properly assigned, and they will be combined for payment purposes under CAIS.

Example 2: Dividing an operation
In order to better manage on-farm risk, a participant with an individual operation producing hogs and wheat decides to split his operation into an individual operation and a corporation in the program year. The individual operation maintains the grain business while the hog business is moved to the newly formed corporation. For program purposes, these operations will be combined for application processing under CAIS.

Example 3: Transaction not at fair market value
A father and son are both involved in farming operations. The father owns a large herd of feeder cattle and produces feed for these animals. The son also owns cattle but does not produce any feed. The father provides feed for the son's cattle at no cost and maintains the animals on his land. Because the feed transactions between the operations are not at fair market value and cannot be quantified, the two operations will be combined for processing of the CAIS applications.

Q. Do I still have to apply if the owner of the operation I’m combined with has applied?
A. Though the information for combined operations is combined for the purposes of calculations, each operation must apply to the program independently.

Your operation may also be combined with producers who are not participating in the program.


Deposits / Fees

Q. How much is the fee and how is it calculated?
A. You will pay $4.50 for every $1,000 of reference margin protected. Your reference margin is based on farm income information you have already submitted to the administration. The fee is lower if you select a lower level of protection. There is a minimum fee of $45.00. The Administrative Cost Share (ACS) of $55.00 per account will remain in place and will be collected at the same time as the fee.

Q. How do the three levels of protection (Maximum, Medium, Minimum) differ?
A. Maximum Protection: You will receive a government payment for up to 70% of a total decline in your 2006 margin.

Medium Protection: You will receive a government payment for up to 66.5% of a total decline in your 2006 margin.

Minimum Protection: You will receive a government payment for up to 56% of a total decline in your 2006 margin.

Following are examples of how the fee is calculated for different levels of protection:

Q. Can my Reference Margin used to calculate my fee be adjusted?
A. Adjustments to the Reference Margin can be submitted and will be used in the calculation of your payment. However, the changes will not be applied to the fee calculation.

Q. If I have a negative margin, should I participate in CAIS for 2007?
A. Yes, even with an overall negative margin, you may still be eligible for CAIS benefits.


Applying for the CAIS program

Q. How do I join the CAIS program for 2006?
A. Where CAIS is delivered federally, the deadline to sign-up for the 2006 program was September 30, 2006. If you received an Options Notice, you were automatically enrolled for 2006 at the maximum protection level.

You must take these additional steps to be eligible:

Producers who have not participated in CAIS previously and wish to sign-up for 2007 can request an enrolment package by contacting us toll-free at 1-866-367-8506

Q. What if I don’t want to participate in CAIS for 2006?
A. If you participated in CAIS for 2005 and do not wish to participate for 2006, you had to advise the Administration prior to September 30, 2006.

Q Is it too late to sign up for the 2005 program year?
A To participate in CAIS for the 2005 program year, you needed to select a protection level before May 31, 2005. However, if you participated in CAIS for 2003 or 2004, you were automatically enrolled for 2005.

If you are signed up for the 2005 program year, the deadline to submit the CAIS Harmonized form was September 30, 2006. Although the September 30 deadline has passed, forms will be accepted until December 31. However, any benefit you are entitled to will be reduced by $500 for each month (or each part of the month) late.


CAIS program benefits

Q. How do I qualify for a program payment?
A. The CAIS program is based on margins (eligible income minus eligible expenses.) A payment is made when your margin in the current year (program year margin) drops below your average farm income from previous years (reference margin.)

Q. How long will it take to process my CAIS application and receive a payment?
A. Applications are treated on a 'first in, first out' basis. The CAIS Administration's goal is to process completed applications and issue a CAIS payment to eligible producers within 60 days. If your application is received near or at the deadline, this service standard changes to 90 days. You will receive a Calculation of Program Benefits Notice once your application has been processed.

Q. Can a CAIS program benefit be deferred to the following year?
A. The payment is taxable when issued and cannot be deferred to the following year. Payments are treated as farm income for income tax purposes.

Q. Can CAIS program benefits be mailed to my representative?
The CAIS Administration is accountable to the participant to ensure that program payments made in their name are sent directly to them. For this reason, program benefits must be mailed to the participant’s mailing address, and not to a third party. This is in accordance with government policies.

To ensure program benefits are paid to eligible participants, it is essential that applications include the participant's correct mailing address. If our records reflect an address other than the participant's, a CAIS representative will contact the participant or form preparer to verify the correct mailing address.


CAIS program benefits calculations

Q. How does the CAIS program measure income?
A. In order to measure income, your reference and program year margins are calculated based on a production margin. The production margin is the difference between allowable income and allowable expenses. Only income and expenses directly related to the production of commodities are considered allowable for production margin purposes.

Q. How is the reference margin calculated?
A. The CAIS Administration calculates production margins for each of the producer's previous five years, and determines the reference margin using an Olympic average. This is the producer's average production margin over the previous five-year period, where the year with the highest margin and the year with the lowest margin are dropped. This represents the average historical income and forms the basis of the producer's protection under the program.

Q. How is the program year margin calculated?
A. The program year margin is based on the fiscal period for which the producer's taxes are filed. If the producer filed taxes using the cash method of accounting, the program year margin will be adjusted for changes in inventories, accounts payable and receivable, and purchased inputs.

Q. What is the new method of inventory valuation for income stabilization programs?
A. An opening (p1) and an end of year price (p2) will be used to value inventory. The decline or increase in value of inventory will be included in the calculation of a producer’s production margin (i.e. farm income) for the year. This method will be applied to market commodities, but not productive assets such as breeding livestock.

With the new method, producers will receive a payment for a loss in the year of the price decline instead of waiting for the following years claim.

This new method of valuing inventory will be in place for the 2006 program year.


Negative Margins

Q. If I have a negative margin, should I participate in CAIS?
A. If you have a negative margin (eligible expenses higher than eligible income) in the program year, you will be eligible to receive payments for that part of the margin decline that falls within the negative margin providing that, in the program year you:

If you did not participate in a Production Insurance program at the minimum level (as set out in these Guidelines), your negative margin benefit will be reduced by sixty per cent of the Deemed Production Insurance Benefit.

Payments will be calculated based on 60% of that part of the Program Year margin decline that falls within the Negative Margin, less any amounts adjusted for Deemed Production Insurance Benefits.


Beginning Farmers

Q. Are beginning farmers eligible to participate in CAIS?

A. Beginning Farmers are those who have farmed for less than three years. Beginning Farmers are eligible to participate as long as they have had six consecutive months of farming activity and have completed a production cycle in the program year. If you are a beginning farmer, the CAIS Administration will create margins for the missing year(s) based on your farm’s productive capacity in the program year. Margins will not be created for any reference year in which you have (or should have) reported farming income (or loss) to CRA.

Q. How can beginning farmers sign up for the program?

A. Where CAIS is delivered federally, the deadline to sign-up for the 2006 program was September 30, 2006. If you received an Options Notice, you were automatically enrolled for 2006 at the maximum protection level.

Producers who have not participated in CAIS previously and wish to sign-up for 2007 can request an enrolment package by contacting us toll-free at 1-866-367-8506.


Mandatory opt out rules

Q. If I did not participate in CAIS for 2003, 2004 or 2005, am I automatically out of the program?
A. Under CAIS policy, if you do not meet the full filing requirements of the CAIS program for two consecutive years, you are ineligible to participate for the following two program years. However, an exception has been made for the 2003, 2004 and 2005 program years.

The following rules apply:


Production Insurance (formerly crop insurance)

Q. Do I have to participate in Production Insurance in order to be eligible for the CAIS program?
A. No. You do not have to participate in Production Insurance in order to participate in the CAIS program. However, there are benefits to participating in both. See: Production Insurance fact sheet.


Grains and Oilseeds Payments Program (GOPP)

Grains and Oilseeds Payments Program (GOPP)

Q. How will GOPP be treated under the CAIS program?
A. GOPP payments will be included as allowable farm income under CAIS for 2006. This is to ensure producers are not compensated twice for the same loss and is consistent with how previous ad hoc payments have been treated.


The CAIS program and Net Income Stabilization Account (NISA) wind-down

Q. What is happening to the funds in my NISA account now that the CAIS program is in place?
A. The money in your NISA account is still owned by you, including the government-funded portion in Fund 2. The wind down of your NISA account has begun. You may request money from your NISA account at any time. You may close your account or change your payment schedule at any time. By March 31, 2009 your NISA account will be closed.

If you did not specify how you would like to withdraw funds from your NISA account, the funds will be paid to you annually on a schedule starting March 31, 2005 and ending March 31, 2009.

Money in Fund 2 of your NISA account will be paid out to you at your request either in a lump sum or on a payment schedule.



Q. Is the CAIS program based on the accrual method of accounting?
A. You must use the same method of accounting (cash or accrual) as you use to report your financial information to CRA for income tax purposes. If you report the program year information to CRA using the cash method of accounting, the program year margin will be adjusted using a modified cash method of accounting.

For 2007, your reference margin will be based (in whole or in part) on a modified accrual method of accounting. Reference years for which the Administration already has the necessary information will automatically be calculated on the modified accrual basis. Reference years calculated on the cash basis may be converted to the modified accrual basis by completing an optional worksheet.

For 2008 and onward, all reference years will be calculated on a modified accrual basis.

Q. How does the CAIS program deal with structural change?
A. If a producer's operation has undergone a structural change (eg. change in size, practice, etc.), the CAIS Administration will adjust the producer's reference margin in order to ensure the comparison between reference and program years is consistent and valid. The adjustment may be waived if the structural change was the result of a disaster. See: Fact sheet on Structural Change Adjustments

Q. Is water an allowable expense for CAIS?
A. Water used for production (irrigating crops or watering livestock) is an allowable expense for CAIS, as it is directly related to the production of a commodity. Water used for production should be reported as a commodity purchase for the related commodity. Only the cost of the water itself is allowable. Expenses for hauling water, capital items like irrigation systems and installation, or water paid for via municipal taxes (because the cost of the water itself cannot be broken out), are non-allowable.



The CAIS program is delivered in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador and Yukon by the federal government. The information on this website refers to deadlines and other delivery details for these provinces only.

If you are in Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, or Prince Edward Island, the CAIS program is delivered provincially. Please click on your respective province to be linked to the provincial administration.