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Photo of a dragon boat team Canada to host first international cancer control congress
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Cancer Control aims to prevent cancer, cure cancer and to increase survival rates and quality of life for those who develop cancer by converting the cumulative knowledge gained through research, surveillance and outcome evaluation into strategies and actions.

Over six million people die of cancer worldwide each year; a fifty percent increase in new cases is expected by 2020. There is an ever-increasing burden-human, social and economic-experienced by every nation from a disease that in large measure can be avoided or controlled. It is increasingly clear what we should be doing. What remains unclear is how we can do it most effectively both within and across nations.

From October 23rd to 26th, in Vancouver, the Public Health Agency of Canada will host the 1st International Cancer Control Congress. This event will bring together government officials, professionals, practitioners, patients, advocates and volunteer to share experiences, tactics, strategies and best practices, and address the key issue in population-based cancer control: How to Effect Cancer Control.

  Date published: August 25, 2005

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