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News Releases - 2007

New $6 million arts grant program now accepting applications

First grant deadline for Alberta Creative Development Initiative is December 1

Calgary, September 27, 2007 Alberta artists and arts organizations have until December 1 to apply for the first round of funding under the Alberta Creative Development Initiative (ACDI), a new $6 million fund that will support further development of the arts in Alberta over the next three years.

The Canada Council for the Arts and the Alberta Foundation for the Arts (AFA) are jointly responsible for the new granting program in cooperation with the Calgary Arts Development Authority and the Edmonton Arts Council.

“We’re really excited about this opportunity to reach out to the arts community in Alberta, a province where the arts scene is vibrant and dynamic,” said Canada Council Director Robert Sirman. “We hope that this important partnership with Alberta arts funders will create additional opportunities for the work of Alberta artists to be seen and enjoyed by audiences in the province, across the country and internationally.”

Under the ACDI, arts organizations and individual artists, including professional artists, arts administrators and collectives can apply for project specific grants. Arts organizations can apply for a maximum of $30,000 per year or up to $75,000 for multi-year projects. Individual artists can apply for a maximum of $20,000 per year.

“I’m very pleased that the Alberta Foundation for the Arts and the Canada Council are working together to support Alberta artists and arts organizations,” said Hector Goudreau, Minister of Alberta Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture. “A healthy arts and cultural infrastructure, that includes partnerships between funding bodies and different levels of government is critical to Alberta’s continued prosperity, and will help to further strengthen our arts sector.”

The Canada Council and the AFA are each contributing $1 million per year for three years to the program. The AFA is the Government of Alberta’s principal arts funding agency.

“This new opportunity is available to artists and organizations throughout our province,” said Audrey Luft, Chair of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts. “I know it will be put to good use by our creative and resourceful artistic community.”

Arts organizations that do not currently receive operating support from the Canada Council can apply for funding to support research, creation, production and/or dissemination, as well as administrative projects that build the capacity of the organization. They can also apply for audience development projects that increase an organization’s public impact and/or profile. Organizations currently receiving operating support from the Canada Council can apply to the ACDI for administrative and audience development grants only.

ACDI grants for individual artists will support research, creation, production and/or dissemination, as well as professional development, including residencies. The grant includes a maximum subsistence allowance of $2,000 per month, as well as expenses directly related to the project.

To assist in the administration of the ACDI, and to ensure Alberta artists and arts organizations are informed about Canada Council programs, the Council has hired Stephen Williams as program officer for western Canada. He is based in Edmonton and can be reached at 780-288-2558.  

For more information on the ACDI, eligibility criteria and application forms visit the ACDI web site or  

For more information:

Donna Balkan
Senior Communications Manager
1-800-263-5588 or (613) 566-4414, ext. 4134
email Email this contact

Carole Breton
Acting Program Officer
1-800-263-5588 or (613) 566-4414, ext. 4116
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Alberta Tourism, Parks Recreation and Culture
Keltie McPherson